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The Right to Privacy and Lawful Interception of Electronic Communications

dc.creatorDrenovak Ivanović, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractU junu 2013. godine Evropski sud za ljudska prava doneo je presudu u vezi sa pravom na pristup informacijama o upotrebi mera elektronskog nadzora informacionih sistema u slučaju protiv Srbije. U stručnoj javnosti su tim povodom otvorena brojna pitanja: koji su uslovi za prikupljanje i obradu podataka o ličnosti; na koji način se informacije mogu zadržati i ko ima pravo na pristup zadržanim informacijama; ko i pod kojim uslovima ima pravo da vrši elektronski nadzor informacionih sistema; kakav je odnos između prikupljanja podataka i informacije o prikupljenim podacima; pod kojim uslovima se može pristupiti informacijama o ostvarenoj komunikaciji. U radu se analizira geneza postojećih zakonskih rešenja i ukazuje na Odluku Ustavnog suda Srbije o utvrđivanju nesaglasnosti Zakona o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti sa Ustavom (IУз–41/2010 od 30. maja 2012. godine), Odluku Ustavnog suda Srbije o utvrđivanju nesaglasnosti Zakona o Vojnobezbednosnoj agenciji i Vojnoobaveštajnoj agenciji sa Ustavom (IУз–1218/2010, od 19. aprila 2012. godine), Odluku Ustavnog suda Srbije o utvrđivanju nesaglasnosti Zakona o elektronskim komunikacijama sa Ustavom (IУз–1245/2010, od 8. jula 2013. godine).sr
dc.description.abstractThe European Court of Human Rights has recently delivered a judgement in the case of the right to access public information related to interception of electronic communications concerning the implementation of Article 10 of the Convention in Serbia. This judgement has opened a number of questions: under what conditions the personal data may be processing and collected; under what conditions interception of electronic communications is lawful; who has the authority to access to those information; who has the authority to demand the interception on electronic communications; what relation does it exist between the data collection and the information on it? The paper analyzes development of legal framework concerning the right to privacy and interception of electronics communications and points out the Decision of Serbian Constitutional Court on the Proposal to review the constitutionality of provisions of the Law on data protection (IУз–41/2010, from May 30, 2012.), the Decision of Serbian Constitutional Court on the Proposal to review the constitutionality of provisions of the Law on Military Security Agency and Military Intelligence Agency (IУз– 1218/2010, from April 19, 2012), and the Decision of Serbian Constitutional Court on the Proposal to review the constitutionality of provisions of the Law on electronic communications (IУз–1245/2010, from July 8, 2013).sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanjesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//sr
dc.sourcePerspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 3 / Perspectives of Implementation of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume IIIsr
dc.subjectPresretanje elektronskih komunikacijasr
dc.subjectPravni osnov za obradu podataka o ličnostisr
dc.subjectPraksa Ustavnog suda Srbijesr
dc.subjectČlan 8 EKLJPsr
dc.subjectInterception of electronic communications.sr
dc.subjectThe legal grounds for data processingsr
dc.subjectCase law of the Serbian Constitution Courtsr
dc.subjectArticle 8 of the ECHRsr
dc.titlePravo na privatnost i upotreba mera elektronskog nadzora informacionih sistemasr
dc.titleThe Right to Privacy and Lawful Interception of Electronic Communicationssr



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