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Constitutional Judiciary and Judicial Power - A Relationship Based upon European Standards

dc.creatorVučić, Olivera
dc.description.abstractOd uvođenja ustavnog sudstva postavljalo se pitanje odnosa ove novouspostavljene delatnosti državne vlati prema zakonodavnoj, izvršnoj i vlasti redovnog sudstva. I dok je odnos prema narodnom predstavničkom telu bio ključ osporavanja ove nove institucije u godinama neposredno vezanim za početke rada ustavnog pravosuđa, posebno zbog činjenice da se pojavom ovog organa stvara višestruko upitna konkurencija neposredno biranom, legitimnom predstavniku narodne volje kome je povereno ekskluzivno pravo donošenja zakona, danas se odnos ustavnog i redovnog pravosuđa javlja kao primarno kontroverzno pitanje. Ustanovljavanjem nadležnosti Ustavnog suda da odlučuje o ustavnim žalbama građana Republika Srbija se priključila krugu evropskih država, a do sada ostvarena praksa nepobitno svedoči da je Ustavni sud Srbije u ovom delu svoje nadležnosti uspeo da ostvari rezultate koji ne odstupaju od evropskih standarda neposredne zaštite ljudskih prava.sr
dc.description.abstractFrom the moment of the establishment of constitutional judiciary a question was put forward concerning the relationship of these newly established state power towards legislative, executive and ordinary judicial power.While the relationship towards people’s representative body was the key argument against this new institution during its first years of existence, especially because of the fact that its appearance was tied with a rivalry with the directly elected, legitimate representative of people’s will to whom the exclusive right to legislate is given, today the relationship between constitutional and ordinary judiciary is a primarily controversial question. Through the establishment of the jurisdiction of the Constitutional court to decide constitutional appeals of citizens the Republic of Serbia has joined a group of European states, and the practice realised so far testifies undisputably that the Serbian Constitutional court has achieved results in this part of its jurisdiction which do not digress from the European standards of direct human rights protection.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanjesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//sr
dc.sourcePerspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 5 / Perspectives of Implementa tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume Vsr
dc.subjectustavno sudstvosr
dc.subjectsudska vlastsr
dc.subjectpodela vlastisr
dc.subjectconstitutional judiciarysr
dc.subjectjudicial powersr
dc.subjectseparation of powerssr
dc.titleUstavno sudstvo i sudska vlast - odnos uspostavljen saglasno evropskom standardsr
dc.titleConstitutional Judiciary and Judicial Power - A Relationship Based upon European Standardssr
dc.identifier.fulltexthttps://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/bitstream/id/2918/Pages from MIN Zbornik 5 Prelom Feb Nov 2016 ver 3-7.pdf



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