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Public Prosecutor in Civil Proceedings : Serbian Legislation and Jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rights

dc.creatorBodiroga, Nikola
dc.description.abstractSnažnija ovlašćenja javnog tužioca u parničnom postupku uglavnom su se vezivala za zemlje socijalističkog društvenog uređenja. Ulaskom ovih zemalja u proces tranzicije uloga javnog tužioca u parničnom postupku je postepeno slabila. Ovaj trend nije mimoišao ni Srbiju. Javni tužilac se u srpskom parničnom postupku može javiti kao stranka, kao umešač u javnom interesu u parničnom postupku između drugih stranaka i kao podnosilac zahteva za preispitivanje pravnosnažne sudske presude. Pravo javnog tužioca da podnese tužbu i da tako pokrene parnični postupak jeste ovlašćenje koje najčešće proizilazi iz posebnog zakona. Isto važi i za njegovo učešće u parničnom postupku kao umešača u javnom interesu. Međutim, ovlašćenje javnog tužioca da podnese zahtev za preispitivanje pravnosnažne sudske presude u parničnom postupku koji je vođen između druge dve parnične stranke dovodi u pitanje osnovne principe vladavine prava. Pravo javnog tužioca da pobija pravnosnažnu sudsku odluku je tokom godina ograničavano i očekivalo se da će ovaj vanredni pravni lek biti ukinut donošenjem novog Zakona o parničnom postupku 2011. godine. Međutim, to ne da se nije desilo, nego je prostor za korišćenje ovog vanrednog pravnog leka čak i proširen. U tekstu ćemo analizirati usklađenost tih zakonskih rešenja sa odredbama Evropske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda i sa stavovima Evropskog suda za ljudska
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this paper was to tackle the position of public prosecutor in civil proceedings. According to the provisions of the current Serbian Civil Procedure Code, public prosecutor is entitled to file the request for examination of final judgment against the final judgment rendered in second instance. This request may be submitted against the final judgment that has violated the law with damage to public interest. If the request for examination of final judgment is incomplete, incomprehensible, prohibited, untimely or if it wasnʹt submitted by an authorized person, the Supreme Court of Cassation shall dismiss it. If the Supreme Court of Cassation doesnʹt dismiss the request it shall be served to the parties and they may submit the respond to request. The Supreme Court of Cassation shall decide on request without hearing. It may reject or adopt the request for examination of final judgment. The power of public prosecutor to file an extraordinary legal remedy against final and enforceable civil judgment may be criticized because of possible violation of EHRC. In its judgment adopted in the case of DRAFT−OVA A.S. v. Slovakia, European Court of Human Rights has clearly stated that the powers of public prosecutor outside the criminal proceedings should be limited to the protection of rule of law and human rights. If a final and enforceable civil judgment may be quashed following the request of the public prosecutor and for the reasons that arenʹt clearly defined, that may violate the right to fair trial protected by Article 6(1) EHRC and right to peaceful enjoyment of property protected by Article 1 Protocol No 1 to the
dc.publisherBeograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanjesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//sr
dc.sourcePerspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 7 / Perspectives of Implementa tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume VIIsr
dc.subjectJavni tužilacsr
dc.subjectParnični postupaksr
dc.subjectZahtev za preispitivanje pravnosnažne presudesr
dc.subjectEvropski sud za ljudska pravasr
dc.subjectPublic Prosecutorsr
dc.subjectCivil Proceedingssr
dc.subjectRequest for Examination of Final Judgmentsr
dc.subjectEuropean Court of Human Rightssr
dc.titleJavni tužilac u parničnom postupku : srpsko zakonodavstvo i stavovi Evropskog suda za ljudska pravasr
dc.titlePublic Prosecutor in Civil Proceedings : Serbian Legislation and Jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rightssr
dc.identifier.fulltext 7 N Bodiroga.pdf

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