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European Standards Relating to Reception of Asylum Seekers – Directive 2013/33/EU and Application in the Case-Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights

dc.creatorČučković, Bojana
dc.description.abstractU radu se analizira evropsko zakonodavstvo u vezi sa uslovima prihvata tražilaca azila koji se primenjuju od trenutka pokretanja postupka za azil do momenta donošenja konačne odluke o statusu. Najznačajniji izvor prava u toj materiji svakako je Direktiva 2013/33/EU o standardima za prihvat tražilaca međunarodne zaštite. U prvom delu rada stoga se analiziraju pojedine odredbe Direktive, i to u pogledu onih pitanja koja su se pokazala kao najproblematičnija u praksi država članica. Ipak, analiza pokazuje da Direktiva nije uspela da postigne svoj cilj, te da je u izvesnim pitanjima državama članicama ostavljena suviše velika sloboda u odabiru načina na koji će standardi sadržani u Direktivi biti ugrađeni u njihove nacionalne pravne sisteme. Da problemi u praksi postoje, pokazuje ne samo analiza odabranih odluka Suda pravde Evropske unije već i praksa Evropskog suda za ljudska prava. Uslovi za prihvat tražilaca azila bili su često predmet razmatranja Evropskog suda za ljudska prava, i to u kontekstu primene Uredbe Dablin o kriterijumima za određivanje države odgovorne za ispitivanje zahteva za azil. Istraživanje je pokazalo da uslovi za prihvat u sve većoj meri utiču na određivanje države odgovorne za ispitivanje azilnog zahteva jer praksa oba evropska suda čvrsto stoji na stanovištu da država članica na čijoj teritoriji se tražilac azila nalazi a koja smatra drugu članicu odgovornom za ispitivanje njegovog zahteva mora podrobno da se obavesti o uslovima za prihvat na teritoriji te druge države pre nego što se premeštanje sprovede, nezavisno od toga da li je ta druga država zvanično prihvatila da primi tražioca azila ili ne. S druge strane, analiza prakse Evropskog suda za ljudska prava navodi i na zaključak da Sud nije uvek bio dosledan u tretiranju slučajeva koji su se ticali uslova za prihvat tražilaca
dc.description.abstractThe paper analyses European legal framework relating to conditions for reception of asylum seekers which are to be applied from the moment of submitting the asylum application throughout the asylum procedure. The most important legal instrument in this regard is Directive 2013/33/EU laying down standards for the reception of applicants for international protection. The first part of the paper therefore analyses certain provisions of the Directive, particularly those that regulate issues which have proven to be most problematic in the practice of Member States. However, the analysis shows that the Directive did not live up to expectations and that it failed to achieve its aim. This was mostly due to the fact that Member States were left with wide discretion in relation to selecting means through which they would be implementing the standards contained in the Directive. In addition, the analysis of both the selected caselaw of the Court of Justice of the European Union and of the European Court of Human Rights point to a number of problems. Reception conditions of asylum seekers were often discussed by the European Court of Human Rights, mainly concerning the application of the Dublin Regulation on criteria for determining the Member State responsible for examining the asylum application. The research has shown that conditions for reception tend to prove more and more decisive in the course of determining the State responsible for the examination of an asylum application. Case-law of both European courts firmly stands on the position that Member States need to acquire detailed information relating to reception conditions in the Member State which they consider responsible under the Dublin criteria before the actual transfer takes place, regardless of whether that State formally accepts the take-back or not. On the other hand, analysis of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights leads to a conclusion that the Court has not always been consistent in treating cases dealing with conditions for the reception of asylum
dc.publisherBeograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanjesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//sr
dc.sourcePerspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 6 / Perspectives of Implementa tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume VIsr
dc.subjectDirektiva o standardima za prihvat tražilaca međunarodne zaštitesr
dc.subjectUredba Dablinsr
dc.subjectSud pravde Evropske unijesr
dc.subjectEvropski sud za ljudska pravasr
dc.subjectDirective laying down standards for the reception of applicants for international protectionsr
dc.subjectDublin Regulationsr
dc.subjectCourt of Justice of the European Unionsr
dc.subjectEuropean Court of Human Rightssr
dc.titleEvropski standardi za prihvat tražilaca azila : Direktiva 2013/33/EU i primena u praksi Suda pravde Evropske unije i Evropskog suda za ljudska pravasr
dc.titleEuropean Standards Relating to Reception of Asylum Seekers – Directive 2013/33/EU and Application in the Case-Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rightssr

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