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Alcoholism and drug adiction in rural areas of Serbia

dc.contributor.advisorMitrović, Milovan
dc.contributor.otherTodorović, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherIgnjatović, Đorđe
dc.contributor.otherBovan, Saša
dc.creatorJovanović, Tatjana A.
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije je identifikacija različitih aspekata alkoholizma i narkomanije u selima Srbije. Alkoholizam kao vid devijantnog ponašanja, uz alkohol kao najrasprostranjeniju PAS, je zanemaren društveni problem, posebno na selu, dok se droga smatra najčešćim i najuticajnijim uzročnikom narušavanja fizičkog i psihičkog zdravlja i poremećaja ponašanja kod ljudi. Teorijsko-praktična analiza alkoholizma i narkomanije u seoskoj sredini bazirala se na ispitivanju učestalosti upotrebe alkohola i droga među seoskom populacijom, i na utvrđivanju povezanosti ovih obrazaca ponašanja sa relevantnim socio-demografskim varijablama: pol, uzrast, materijalni status i mesto stanovanja. Aktuelnost teme potvrđena je i činjenicom da je učestalost alkoholizma i narkomanije velika, ne samo u gradskim sredinama već i u selima. Danas ne postoji značajna razlika u uzrocima, manifestaciji i posledicama alkoholizma i narkomanije u seoskim i gradskim sredinama. Najradikalnije društvene promene za poslednjih pola veka doživelo je srpsko selo. Klasično srpsko selo nestaje, a umesto njega formira se takav ruralni prostor koji poprima karakteristike grada, stvarajući elemente suburbanog sa svojim specifičnostima. Uspostavlja se jedan socio-kulturni međuprostor koji karakteriše neusklađenost tradicionalnih i modernizacijskih obrazaca življenja. Analizi alkoholizma i narkomanije kod nas pristupalo se i pristupa u okviru proučavanja gradskih sredina, dok je selo i seosko okruženje ostalo potpuno zanemareno. O ovim pojavama u ruralnoj sredini pisalo se samo posredno, uzgred, u okviru analize nekih drugih pojava koje su zauzimale centralno mesto. Sociološko-pravna priroda alkoholizma i narkomanije opredelili su sadržinu i strukturu doktorske disertacije. Rad se tematski sastoji iz dve celine. U prvom, teorijskom delu, su primenom analize sadržaja prikazani pristupi sagledavanju različitih teorijskih shvatanja u objašnjenju nastanka i III razvoja socijalne patologije, i onog dela koji se posebno tiče alkoholizma i
dc.description.abstractThe subject of the doctoral dissertation research is to identify the various aspects of alcohol and drug addiction in the villages of Serbia. Alcoholism as a form of deviant behavior, with alcohol as the most widely used psychoactive substance is neglected social problem, especially in the rural areas, and drug addicition is considered to be the most common and most influential cause of impairment of physical and mental health and behavioural disorders in humans. Theoretical and practical analysis of alcoholism and drug abuse in rural areas is based on the examination of the frequency of use of alcohol and drugs among the rural population, and determination of association of these behavioural patterns with relevant socio-demographic variables: gender, age, financial status and place of residence. The actuality of the subject is confirmed by the fact that the incidence of alcoholism and drug abuse is very high, not only in urban areas, but also in villages. Presently, there is no significant difference in causes, manifestations and consequences of alcoholism and drug abuse in rural and urban communities. The Serbian village has experienced the most radical social changes in the last fifty years. The conventional Serbian village is dissaperaing, and being substituted by rural area that takes on the characteristics of the city. In this way, a single socio-cultural gap is formed that is characterized by inconsistency between traditional and modern forms of life. The study of alcoholism and drug addiction in our research, as well as in other researches, was and still is approached within the study of urban areas, while the village and the rural environment remained totally neglected. These phenomena in the rural environments are addressed only indirectly, in the context of the analysis of other phenomena that have occupied a central place. Social-legal nature of alcoholism and drug abuse has influenced the direction of the contents and structure of the dissertation. The work consists thematically of two parts. In the first, theoretical part, through the application of the content analysis, different approaches to the various theoretical concepts in explaining the origin and V development of social pathology are presented, and the part that refers particularly to the alcohol and drug addiction.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
dc.titleAlkoholizam i narkomanija u selima Srbijesr
dc.titleAlcoholism and drug adiction in rural areas of Serbiaen

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