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Protection of witnesses and other participants in criminal procedure

dc.creatorIlić, Goran
dc.description.abstractProblematika zaštite svedoka i drugih učesnika u krivičnom postupku, kao materija koja u poslednjih nekoliko godina privlači izuzetnu pažnju domaće procesne teorije i prakse, čini predmet obrade u ovome radu. Pored uvodnih napomena u kojima je ukazano na značaj ove problematike i na međunarodna akta koja tretiraju istu, posmatra-na problematika u radu je analizirana kroz tri grupe pitanja. Prva grupa pitanja posvećena je prikazu, naučno-stručnoj analizi mera procesne zaštite svedoka i drugih učesnika u krivičnom postupku (slučaj npr. sa merom zaštite ličnih podataka svedoka i drugih učesnika sprečavanja posrednog obelodanjivanja ličnih podataka zaštićenog lica anonimnosti svedoka i si). Mere vanprocesne zaštite i pomoći svedocima i drugim učesnicima u krivičnom postupku (slučaj npr. sa službom za po-moć oštećenim i svedocima, programom zaštite učesnika u krivičnom postupku, o usklađenosti rešenja u našem zakonodavstvu sa određenim međunarodnim pravnim aktima i preporukama i si) su pitanja koja su obrađena u drugom delu ovog rada. Predmet razmatranja trećeg dela rada su pitanja međusobne saradnje pojedinih subjekata na polju pružanja zaštite svedoku i drugim učesnicima u krivičnim postupku. Na kraju rada data su zaključna razmatranja u kojima je autor na rezimirani način izneo svoje stavove u vezi sa problematikom obrađenom u radu.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper deals with the problem of the protection of witnesses and other participants in a criminal procedure as one of the most interesting problems which has been the subject of domestic procedural theory and practice in the past few years. Introductory observations focus on the importance of this problem as well as the international acts which are concerned with the same issue analyzing the problem through three groups of questions. The first group of questions has been dedicated to the scientific and professional analysis of the measures of the protection of witnesses and other participants in a criminal procedure (e.g. the case with the measure of the protection of the personal data of witnesses and other participants prevention of indirect revealing the personal data of a protected person anonymity of witnesses, etc). Further the paper surveys the measures of extra-procedural protection and assistance to injured parties and witnesses as well as the other participants in a criminal procedure (e.g. the case with the service for the assistance to injured parties and witnesses; the program for the protection of the participants in a criminal procedure harmonization of the solutions provided for by our legislation with particular international legal acts and recommendations, etc). The third part of the paper reviews the issue of cooperation among the subjects who deal with the protection of witnesses and other participants in a criminal procedure. The closing part lists the author's observations and attitude to the problem dealt with in the paper.en
dc.publisherUdruženje za krivično pravo i kriminologiju, Beograd i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd
dc.sourceRevija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo
dc.subjectsvedok učesnik krivičnog postupkasr
dc.subjectprocesna zaštitasr
dc.subjectmere vanprocesne zaštitesr
dc.subjectanonimnost svedokasr
dc.subjectprocedural protectionen
dc.subjectparticipant in a criminal procedureen
dc.subjectmeasures of extra-procedural protectionen
dc.subjectanonymity of a witnessen
dc.titleZaštita svedoka i drugih učesnika u krivičnom postupkusr
dc.titleProtection of witnesses and other participants in criminal procedureen
dc.citation.other43(2-3): 170-191



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