Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Corporate crime

dc.contributor.advisorIgnjatović, Đorđe
dc.contributor.otherPopović, Dejan
dc.contributor.otherŠkulić, Milan
dc.contributor.otherMeško, Gorazd
dc.contributor.otherVuković, Igor
dc.creatorLukić, Natalija D.
dc.description.abstractU poslednjih nekoliko decenija primetno je sve učestalije ilegalno poslovanje kompanija. Posledice takvog postupanja su brojne i nesagledive, a po ozbiljnosti prevazilaze one koje su rezultat konvencionalnog kriminaliteta. U domaćoj literaturi ovoj problematici nije pristupano sistematski, a u malobrojnim radovima obrađena su samo pojedina pitanja. Predmet disertacije je istraživanje kriminaliteta kompanija iz tri ugla: fenomenološkog, etiološkog i socijalnog reagovanja, prevashodno kroz izricanje krivičnih sankcija. Pored toga, analizirali smo i adekvatnost krivičnopravnog reagovanja na kriminalitet kompanija. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su znatno zastupljenija dela u sferi privrednog poslovanja u odnosu na ona koja pogađaju život ljudi ili životnu sredinu, dok studije o tamnoj brojci pokazuju da se veliki broj ovih dela ne prijavljuje. Analiza etiološke dimenzije pokazala je da se može uspostaviti razlika između dve kategorije učinilaca – prvu čine lica koja su po pravilu ranije neosuđivana i ostvaruju bolje rezultate na planu ličnosti i socijalnih odnosa u poređenju sa drugom grupom koju prevashodno čine hronični prestupnici. Na planu kažnjavanja uslovna osuda je zastupljenija u odnosu na celokupni kriminalitet, ali je u poslednjim godinama primetna represivnija kaznena politika. Društveni položaj okrivljenih nema uticaja na planu kažnjavanja. Teorijskom analizom kao i razmatranjem primera iz prakse ukazano je na nedostatke u primeni krivičnog prava što može doprineti razumevanju neprimene Zakona o odgovornosti pravnih lica za krivična
dc.description.abstractIn recent decades it is notable that illegal behavior of companies is more frequent. The consequences of this behavior are numerous and far-reaching and in severity outweigh those which are the result of conventional crime. Domestic literature has not accessed this problem systematically and few published articles dealt with only certain issues. The subject of dissertation is corporate crime from three different aspects: phenomenology, etiology and social reaction primarily through the imposition of criminal sanctions. Additionally, we have examined the adequacy of criminal law reaction to corporate crime. The research results first and foremost show that economic criminal offences (economic corporate crime) are more often prosecuted than crimes affecting human life and health or nature (violent corporate crime). Moreover, conducted studies on dark figure show that a large number of these criminal offences are not reported. With regard to etiological aspect, analysis has shown that it is possible to establish the difference between two categories of perpetrators – the first consists of persons without criminal histories and who achieve better results in respect to personal traits and social relations as compared to the second group consisted primarily of chronic offenders. Finally, when it comes to the punishment of these offenders, probation is more prevalent in comparison to the overall crime, but in recent years more repressive penal policy is observable. The research results also show that social status of perpetrators has no influence on the punishment. As for the adequacy of criminal law reaction, the theoretical analysis as well as the examination of the cases in practice has shown that there are some deficiencies in criminal law application which can contribute to understanding of non-application of Code on liability of legal persons for criminal offences.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
dc.titleKriminalitet kompanijasr
dc.titleCorporate crimeen



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