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International motor vehicles liability insurance: With regard to the EU directives on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles

dc.creatorPetrović, Nataša
dc.description.abstractOsiguranje od odgovornosti za štete od upotrebe motornih vozila predstavlja jednu od oblasti osiguranja na čijem usavršavanju se kontinuirano radi. Aktivnosti usmerene ka stvaranju sistema osiguranja koji će biti u najboljem interesu prvenstveno žrtava nezgoda, ali i vozača i drugih aktera savremenog saobraćaja, obeležavaju period dvadesetog veka. Međutim, i pored kontinuirane akcije, određena pitanja od čijeg regulisanja zavisi stepen efektivne zaštite učesnika saobraćaja ostaju različito rešena u okviru zakonodavstava različitih država što čini aktuelnim pitanje sukoba zakona u ovoj materiji. Zbog njenog značaja za odgovor na sva pitanja koja se javljaju u vezi sa određivanjem merodavnog prava, Haška konvencija o merodavnom pravu za drumske saobraćajne nezgode osnovni je izvor koji se u radu obrađuje. Činjenica da u Evropskoj uniji postoji određeni broj direktiva, koje se rationae materiae odnose na osiguranje od odgovornosti usled upotrebe motornih vozila, čini nezaobilaznim njihovo uzimanje u obzir kako bi se sa sigurnošću utvrdio njihov uticaj na dalje postojanje sukoba zakona u pomenutoj oblasti.sr
dc.description.abstractInsurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles represents one of the insurance fields towards which improvement is worked continuously. Activities towards creating of insurance system in the best interest not only of victims, but also the drivers and the other actors of modern traffic feature XX century. Notwithstanding that continuous action, some questions on whose regulation depend effective protection degree of traffic participants remain regulate differently in different regulations. That situation makes actual conflict of law in this area. Because of his importance to all questions arising out of applicable law determination, Hague convention on applicable law to accidents is the fundamental source. But, the fact that in EU exist several directives relating to civil liability insurance in respect of the use of motor vehicles entails to take account of them. Directives of EU have to be paid regard with objective to determine their influence to the existence of conflict of law in motor vehicles liability insurance area.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectosiguranje od odgovornosti za štete od upotrebe motornih vozilasr
dc.subjectmerodavno pravosr
dc.subjectHaška konvencijasr
dc.subjectdirektive EU o usklađivanju zakonodavstava država članica o obaveznom osiguranju od odgovornosti za štete od upotrebe motornih vozilasr
dc.subjectinsurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehiclesen
dc.subjectHague conventionen
dc.subjectEU Directives on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of the uen
dc.subjectapplicable lawen
dc.titleMeđunarodno osiguranje od autoodgovornosti - sa posebnim osvrtom na direktive EU o usklađivanju zakonodavstava država članica o obaveznom osiguranju od odgovornosti za štete od upotrebe motornih vozilasr
dc.titleInternational motor vehicles liability insurance: With regard to the EU directives on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehiclesen
dc.citation.other43(1-4): 84-102



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