Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Precontractual duty to inform

dc.contributor.advisorHiber, Dragor
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Dušan
dc.contributor.otherKaranikić-Mirić, Marija
dc.contributor.otherŽivković, Miloš
dc.creatorDabić, Snežana B.
dc.description.abstractPoslednjih decenija uporednopravnu naučnu javnost posebno intrigira pitanje da li pri zaključenju ugovora postoji dužnost jedne strane da obavesti drugu o okolnostima koje su od odlučujućeg značaja za donošenje odluke o zaključenju ugovora i u onim slučajevima kada takva dužnost nije izričito predviđena zakonom. Obimnost razmera koje je doseglo istraživanje o tom pravnom problemu u uporednom pravu presudno je uticalo na to da predmet ove doktorske disertacije bude upravo istraživanje takve (opšte) predugovorne dužnosti obaveštavanja. U radu se pokazuje da su primarni problemi sa kojima se pravnici, teoretičari i praktičari, suočavaju kada je reč o predugovornoj dužnosti obaveštavanja opšteg karaktera njena problematična fundiranost i praktična neodređenost. Gotovo da ne postoji pravni sistem koji sadrži normu kojom se budućim saugovaračima na opšti način nameće dužnost obaveštavanja, a tamo se to izuzetno čini, takva norma datira tek odnedavno. Ona nije predviđena ni u našem pravu. Iz tih razloga se, nakon kratke analize prirode, terminološkog određenja i funkcije predugovorne dužnosti obaveštavanja, u ovom radu pristupa analizi drugih ustanova čiji je cilj zaštita volje saugovarača i očuvanje pravične ugovorne procedure, kako bi se utvrdilo da li njihovo uređenje i primena u praksi svedoče i o postojanju takve predugovorne dužnosti obaveštavanja u jednom pravnom sistemu. Njihova analiza i predložena rešenja u uporednom pravu biće od nemerljive koristi u utvrđivanju uslova u kojima nastaje dužnost obaveštavanja. Važno je pomenuti da je istraživanje pojma, osnova, prirode, obima, objekta i drugih pitanja koja se postavljaju kada je reč o opštoj predugovornoj dužnosti obaveštavanja dodatno otežala činjenica da se stavovi o njoj bitno razlikuju među pravnim sistemima. To je, s jedne strane, učinilo traganje za odgovorima i iznošenje zaključaka donekle komplikovanijim zadatkom, ali je, s druge strane, obogatilo istraživanje, omogućivši da se problem sagleda iz različitih uglova i na pravi način shvati sva problematičnost ovog
dc.description.abstractIn recent decades, lawyers in comparative law have been very much intrigued by the question whether one party is under a duty to inform the other of facts which may have a decisive effect on its decision to conclude the contract even in cases where such a duty is not explicitly provided for by law. The noticeable importance which has been given to this particular legal issue has been the main reason why we decided to perform a thorough research about such (general) precontractual duty to inform. This doctoral dissertation shows that, when it comes to the general precontractual duty to inform, the main problems with which lawyers, theoreticians as well as practitioners, are faced are its problematic legal foundation and practical indeterminacy. There is almost no legal system which provides for a norm that explicitely imposes on the future contracting parties a general duty to inform, and the rare systems which do provide for it, have only recently implemented it. Serbian law does not provide for it as well. For these reasons, after a brief analysis of the nature, terminological determination and the function of the precontractual duty to inform, it seemed necessary to analyze some other legal institutes aimed at protecting the will of the parties and preserving a fair contract procedure, in order to determine whether these rules and their application can indirectly serve as a proof of the existence of such precontractual duty in one legal system. This analysis, as well as the analysis of the proposed solutions in comparative law, has been of great importance in determining the necessary preconditions of the precontractual duty to inform. It is also important to mention that the research on the notion, legal basis, nature, scope, object of the precontractual duty to inform has also been aggravated by the fact that there are significantly different views on the precontractual duty to inform among different legal systems. This has, on the one hand, made our search for answers and general conclusions a somewhat more complicated task, but, on the other hand, it has enriched our research, allowing the problem to be looked at from different angles and allowing us to properly understand all the problems of this institute.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179077/RS//
dc.titleDužnost obaveštavanja pri zaključenju ugovorasr
dc.titlePrecontractual duty to informen



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