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Genocide as crime over crimes

dc.creatorŠkulić, Milan
dc.description.abstractGenocid se bez dileme smatra zločinom nad zločinima, odnosno najtežim mogućim zločinom. Takvo njegovo obeležavanje se zasniva na uništavačkoj nameri kao njegovom bitnom elementu, iz kojeg proizlazi izrazito nehumani karakter tog krivičnog dela. Baš zbog ogromne težine genocida, činjenica da su određeni pojedinci oglašeni krivim za takav zločin, neminovno proizvodi i određene moralne, psihološke i druge posledice po narod iz koga su potekli i državu čiji su oni građani. To predstavlja i osnovni razlog za veliku opreznost u kvalifikovanju određenog zločina kao genocida, jer tada neminovno, bez obzira na nepostojanje kolektivne odgovornosti u krivičnopravnom smislu, izvestan 'žig genocidnosti ' obeležava i mnoge druge ljude, odnosno čitave narode i države, što iako neprihvatljivo u formalnopravnom smislu, faktički postaje skoro neizbežno. U radu ce posebno analizira slučaj 'Srebrencia' u kontekstu već postojeće prakse ad hoc Međunarodnog krivičnog tribunala za nekadašnju Jugoslaviju, pri čemu autor konstatujući da su u vezi tog slučaja mnogi njegovi činjenični i pravni aspekti netačno utvrđeni, te uz izražavanje najteže osude učinjenih zločina argumentovano zaključuje da ipak nije reč o genocidu, već o ratnom zločinu protiv ratnih zarobljenika i u određenoj meri ratnom zločinu protiv
dc.description.abstractGenocide is doubtless a capital crime, i.e. the most serious international crime - a me over crimes. That characteristics of genocide are founded on the intention of destroy as the vital law element of genocide, which causes expressively inhuman character of that criminal act. This graveness of that crime and the fact that some individuals were convicted for that crime indispensably cause some morally, psychologically and other very serious consequences for the people and nation to which belong the individuals convicted for genocide as a crime over crimes and for the state which citizens have been convicted for such serious international crime. That is the main reason too for the need to be very well advised, watchful and mindful in qualifying some crime as genocide, because in that case regardless that there is no collective responsibility in criminal law sense certain stigma of genocide mark out many other people, as for the whole people in one country or the complete nation and the. whole states, that although is not acceptable in criminal law sense, practically is almost indispensably. The author explains the main historical origins of the term and notion of genocide and some prominent historical examples of genocide. In the work is explained the concept and notion of the genocide in the Statute of Rome and in the Elements of the Crimes, i.e. in the main law sources for the permanent International Criminal Court (ICC). Author writes about genocide in the new Criminal Code of Serbia (Art. 370 CC) and makes one short but informative comparative normative analysis too, i.e. explains the main provision of the genocide in the criminal codes of German, Russia, Austria Spain, Finland, Poland, Sweden and Cuba. In the work is especially elaborated and explained the case 'Srebrenica' in the context of the almost existing praxis of the ad hoc International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), whereby the author condemns very seriously all the committed crimes and find out that all persons who are indicted for that crimes must be before the trial and the persons who are responsible must be punished, but many facts and low aspects of that case refer that it is not genocide but other international crimes - war crimes against prisoners of war (PWO), eventually the crimes against humanity and war crimes against civilian population.en
dc.publisherSavez udruženja pravnika Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceArhiv za pravne i društvene nauke
dc.titleGenocid kao zločin nad zločinimasr
dc.titleGenocide as crime over crimesen
dc.citation.other92(3-4): 1997-2034



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