Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Multy - party international litigation

dc.contributor.advisorJakšić, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherĐurđević, Dejan B.
dc.contributor.otherStanković, Gordana
dc.contributor.otherKeča, Ranko
dc.contributor.otherBodiroga, Nikola
dc.creatorBabović, Branka
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraživanja u ovom radu su instituti množine subjekata u parničnom postupku srpskog prava. Istraživanje počinje analizom istorijskog razvoja ovih instituta i dovođenjem u vezu sa drugim institutima parničnog procesnog prava kako bi se izveli zaključci o prednostima i manjkavostima pozitivnopravnog regulisanja instituta množine subjekata u parničnom postupku srpskog prava. Kritički osvrt na ove institute je potpuniji onda kada se analiziraju razlike u odnosu na nama srodne pravne sisteme nemačkog i austrijskog prava. Nakon takve analize je bilo moguće utvrditi i pravce kretanja našeg modernog parničnog procesnog prava i odnosa našeg pravnog sistema sa pravnim sistema sa kojima delimo tradiciju u ovoj oblasti. Cilj istraživanja je i da se utvri kako se pozitivnopravnim institutima množine subjekata u parničnom postupku ostvaruje efikasnost. Uporednopravna analiza je upotpunjena tek onda kada se analiziraju instituti množine subjekta pravnih sistema common law, posebno kada se analizira pravni sistem SAD kao posebno uticajan. Zajedničke karakteristike, ali i brojne razlike koje postoje među institutima su potpuno analizirane tek onda kada se analizira primena prava na pravično suđenje (due process of law) na institute množine subjekata u parničnom postupku pred sudovima SAD. Rezultati ovog istraživanja omogućavaju pozicioniranje instituta množine subjekata u parničnom postupku srpskog prava u odnosu na druge pravne sisteme današnjice kao i sveobuhvatnije sagledavanje ciljeva koji se postižu institutima našeg parničnog procesnog prava. Analiza instituta množine subjekata u parničnom postupku srpskog prava za rezultat ima između ostalog i determinisanje interesa koji se ostvaruju pojedinim institutima množine subjekata u parničnom postupku i ciljeva koje ti instituti ostvaruju u postupku. Rezultati ovog istraživanja polazna osnova za teorijsko uobličavanje instituta množine subjekata u parničnom postupku u garancije prava na pravično suđenje. Potrebno je bilo identifikovati i specifičnosti koje se javljaju kod instituta množine subjekata u parničnom postupku iz perspektive prava na pravično suđ
dc.description.abstractThe research subject of this thesis is multi-party litigation in the Serbian law. In order to obtain research goals, the analyses of both historical development of multi-party litigation in Serbia and the connection of the institutes of multi-party litigation to other institutes of civil procedural law were done. Critical review of these institutes is more comprehensive when analyzing differences in relation to the German and Austrian legal systems, which are similar to our own. After such an analysis, it is possible to determine the direction of our modern civil procedural law and the ways if we are moving away from the legal systems with which we share the tradition in this field. On top of that, comparative analysis is complete only when the institutes of the multi-party litigation of common law legal systems are examined (especially the United States’ legal system, due to its influence). Bearing in mind the research goal of this thesis, the application of due process of law clause to the institutes of the multi-party litigation in civil proceedings before the United States courts was examined in particular. The results of this research clarify the position of our institutes of the multi-party litigation in civil proceedings in relation to other modern legal systems. Also, a more comprehensive examination of the purpose of the institute of our civil procedural law was important to examine if the right to a fair trial is properly granted. Analysis of the institutes of the multi-party litigation serves also to determine the goals of a particular institute. Such results are significant for the theoretical shaping of the institutes of the multi-party litigation in civil proceedings into a guarantee of the right to a fair trial. Namely, it is necessary to analyze the issues that arise in the application of the right to a fair trial specifically in the institutes of the multi-party litigation in civil proceedings. Furthermore, the resolution of identified problems in the application of the institute of the International Civil Procedure Law are also based on these analyses. Having in mind that this topic was not dealt with in the Serbian theory of the International Civil Procedure Law, the analysis of the particularities of the multi-party litigation in civil proceedings required making a connection to numerous institutes in this branch of law. Finally, the specifics of determining the applicable law when the institutes of the multi-party litigation are applied are examined in order to finalize the analysis on IPL interests of the parties. In this way, this dissertation deals with the institutes of multi-party litigation in civil proceedings both from the perspective of the right to a fair trial and the perspective of IPL interests of parties.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
dc.titleMnožina subjekata u parničnom postupku sa elementom inostranostisr
dc.titleMulty - party international litigationen



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