Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Heritability of the right to compensation for non-pecuniary loss

dc.contributor.advisorĐurđević, Dejan B.
dc.contributor.otherKaranikić Mirić, Marija
dc.contributor.otherĐurđević, Marko
dc.contributor.otherŽivojinović, Dragica
dc.contributor.otherMožina, Damjan
dc.creatorVukotić, Miloš
dc.description.abstractU ovoj disertaciji autor nastoji da odgovori na pitanje da li pravo na naknadu neimovinske štete treba da bude nasledivo i pod kojim uslovima. Povod za ovo istraživanje pružaju restriktivne odredbe srpskog Zakona o obligacionim odnosima, koje isključuju nasledivost prava na naknadu neimovinske štete, osim u slučajevima kada je to pravo priznato pravnosnažnom sudskom odlukom ili pismenim sporazumom između oštećenika i odgovornog lica. Kako bi došao do odgovora, autor istražuje istoriju ustanove neimovinske štete, rešenja iz drugih pravnih sistema i teorijska shvatanja o pojmu neimovinske štete i ciljevima njene naknade. Autor zaključuje da pojam neimovinske štete treba proširiti na sve značajne neimovinske gubitke, koji se mogu kvalifikovati kao ograničenje prava na slobodan razvoj ličnosti, i da pravo na naknadu neimovinske štete treba da bude nasledivo bez ikakvih ograničenja jer je takvo rešenje u skladu s ciljevima koje naknada treba da
dc.description.abstractIn this dissertation the author attempts to answer the question whether the right to compensation for non-pecuniary loss should pass to the heirs of the victim and under which conditions. This research is occasioned by the restrictive provisions of the Serbian Code of Obligations, which exclude heritability of the right to compensation for non-pecuniary loss, except in cases where that right is recognised by a final court decision or a written agreement between the victim and the responsible party. In order to find the answer, the author examines the history of the institution of non-pecuniary loss, solutions from other legal systems and theoretical conceptions about the notion of non-pecuniary loss and the goals of its compensation. The author concludes that the notion of non-pecuniary loss should be extended to all significant immaterial losses, which may be qualified as restrictions of the right to free development of personality, and that the right to compensation for non-pecuniary loss should pass to the heirs without any restrictions because such solution is fully in line with the goals that the compensation aims to achieve.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
dc.titleNasledivost prava na naknadu neimovinske štetesr
dc.titleHeritability of the right to compensation for non-pecuniary lossen



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