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The right for the respect of family life in the practice of the European Court for Human Rights: Article 8 of the European Convention for human rights

dc.creatorNovaković, Uroš
dc.description.abstractPredmet razmatranja u ovom radu jeste drugi deo stava l člana 8 Evropske konvencije - pravo na poštovanje porodičnog života, dok se (usled "širine" člana 8 i obima sudske prakse) ovom prilikom nećemo (studioznije) baviti pravom na poštovanje privatnog života, doma i prepiske. Stoga, pravo na poštovanje privatnog života biće razmatrano (samo) u vezi s pravom na poštovanje porodičnog života. Evropski sud za ljudska prava je institucija kojoj se pojedinci obraćaju kada smatraju da im je aktima domaćih vlasti povređeno neko pravo. Od svih članova Konvencije, najšire je formulisan upravo član 8, čime se pred ESLJP postavlja nimalo lak zadatak da nekim porodičnim odnosima pruži zaštitu a drugim - da uskrati. Zaštitu porodičnim odnosima pruža Sud, tumačeći član 8 Konvencije, kada nađe da za to ima osnova. U praksi Suda skoro da nema razmimoilaženja oko pružanja zaštite načelima kao što su jednakost bračne i vanbračne dece, učešće roditelja u postupku stavljanja pod starateljstvo i slično, dok kada je reč o tzv. "novim porodičnim odnosima" - usvajanje dece od strane osoba istog pola ili transeksualaca, postoje suprotstavljena mišljenja. Interes deteta jeste vrhovno načelo kojim se Sud rukovodi ali se ovo vrhovno načelo, kada god je to moguće, usklađuje sa interesima roditelja, usvojitelja i drugih učesnika u postupku, lako krvne veze i dalje imaju primarnu ulogu za postojanje porodičnog života, socijalne veze dobijaju sve veći značaj.sr
dc.description.abstractThe subject of consideration in this paper is the second part of item 1 article 8 of the European convention - the right for the respect of family life, and (conside­ring the broadness of article 8 and the range of court practice) we are not going to go into details with the right for the respect of private life, home and mail on this occasion. Therefore, the right for the respect of private life will be considered only in regard to the respect of family life. The European court for human rights is the insti­tution to which people refer to when they consider that some of their rights are viola­ted by the acts of domestic authorities. Of all the acts of the Convention, the article 8 is the one which is most broadly formulated, which gives the ECHR a difficult task to give some family relations the protection while others would not be given the same protection. The Court gives protection to family relations by interpreting the article 8. of the Convention when it finds the right basis for it. In the Court practice there are almost no disagreements on giving the protection to the principles such as the equality of legitimate and illegitimate children, the participation of the parents in the process of putting into custody while, when the so called new family relations are in question such as adopting children by the persons of the same sex or transse­xuals, there are opposed opinions on them. The child's interest is the primary goal which the Court aims at but this primary goal is changeable whenever possible to meet the interests of the parents, adopting parents or other participants in the pro­cess. Although blood relations are still primary for the existence of family life, social relations are getting more and more significance.en
dc.publisherInstitut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
dc.sourceStrani pravni život
dc.subjectsocijalne vezesr
dc.subjectporodični odnosisr
dc.subjectinteres detetasr
dc.subjectEvropski sud za ljudska pravasr
dc.subjectčlan 8 Konvencijesr
dc.titlePravo na poštovanje porodičnog života u praksi Evropskog suda za ljudska pravasr
dc.titleThe right for the respect of family life in the practice of the European Court for Human Rights: Article 8 of the European Convention for human rightsen
dc.citation.other(3): 174-194



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