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Legal nature of auction

dc.contributor.advisorJovanović, Nebojša
dc.contributor.otherVujisić, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherRadović, Mirjana
dc.creatorMišković, Maša
dc.description.abstractAukcija se prema svojoj pravnoj prirodi može podeliti na dobrovoljnu i prinudnu aukciju. Osnovni cilj disertacije je da se razmotri dobrovoljna aukcija, jer ona u našem pravu gotovo da nije regulisana, imajući u vidu da postoji samo jedan član u novom Zakonu o trgovini iz 2019. godine (stari Zakon o trgovini iz 2010. godine sadržao je dva člana), koji reguliše aukcijske kuće. Međutim, radi poređenja sa dobrovoljnom aukcijom i izvođenja zaključka o pravnoj prirodi dobrovoljne aukcije, kao i aukcije uopšte, moraju se razmotriti i pravila pojedinih zakona, koji uređuju druge vrste aukcije, a po svojoj pravnoj prirodi su prinudne ili mešovite. To su naročito Zakon o izvršenju i obezbeđenju, Zakon o hipoteci, Zakon o založnom pravu na pokretnim stvarima i pravima upisanim u registar, Zakon o poreskom postupku i poreskoj administraciji, Carinski zakon, Zakon o javnoj svojini, Zakon o poštanskim uslugama i Zakon o obligacionim odnosima. Objašnjenje pravila navedenih zakona u funkciji je objašnjenja pravne prirode aukcije kao pravnog instituta. Dakle, disertacija ima za cilj određenje pravne prirode aukcije tako što se razjašnjavaju različite vrste aukcije, koje su regulisane u srpskom pravu, te se one porede sa dobrovoljnom aukcijom, koja u našem pravu nije detaljno regulisana. Najveće i danas najpoznatije aukcijske kuće nastale su u Velikoj Britaniji još u drugoj polovini 18. veka. Prodaja robe putem aukcije prešla je iz Evrope u Ameriku, a današnji statistički podaci govore da su tržišni lideri u aukcijskoj prodaji SAD, Velika Britanija i Kina. Zbog toga se u disertaciji razmatra pravno regulisanje aukcije, pre svega, u Velikoj Britaniji, jer ona predstavlja reprezentativni uzorak za posmatranje i analizu. Razmatraju se određena pitanja i u drugim pravnim sistemima korišćenjem uporednopravnog metoda istraživanja kako bi se predložio najbolji način na koji je potrebno regulisati aukcijsku prodaju u srpskom pravu. Regulisanje dobrovoljne aukcije u srpskom pravu je potrebno, imajući u vidu da su u svetu aukcije veoma razvijene, a poseban značaj i rasprostranjenost imaju elektronske (onlajn) aukcije. Veb-sajtovi za aukcijsku prodaju robe (na primer, eBay, Amazon i slično) u našoj zemlji nisu razvijeni, ali imajući u vidu digitalizaciju i sve veći i brži razvoj informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija, trebalo bi očekivati da će se u dogledno vreme odomaćiti i kod nas. Stoga se u disertaciji razmatraju i određena pitanja značajna za elektronske (onlajn) aukcije. Davanjem predloga o načinu regulisanja dobrovoljne aukcije u srpskom pravu na osnovu analize određenih spornih pitanja, disertacija bi mogla poslužiti i kao podsticaj za regulisanje dobrovoljne aukcije u našem pravu. Time bi uz pojedine vrste aukcije, koje su već pravno uređene u pojedinim posebnim zakonima, regulisanjem dobrovoljne aukcije bio primenjen sistematski pristup u pogledu aukcijske prodaje i stvorena njena celovita
dc.description.abstractAccording to its legal nature, an auction can be divided into a voluntary (private) auction and compulsory auction (auction by law). The main goal of the dissertation is to consider a voluntary auction, because it is almost not regulated in Serbian law, given the fact that there is only one article in the new Law on Trade 2019 (the old Law on Trade 2010 contained two articles), which regulates auction houses. However, in order to compare with the voluntary auction and draw the conclusion about the legal nature of the voluntary auction, as well as auctions in general, the provisions of certain laws must be considered, which regulate other types of auctions. Those other regulated types of auctions by their legal nature are compulsory or mixed (hybrid) auctions. They are regulated, in particular, by the Law on Enforcement and Security Interest, the Law on Mortgage, The Law on Pledge on Movable Assets in the pledge Registry, the Law on Tax Procedure and Tax Administration, the Customs Law, the Law on Public Property, the Law on Postal Services and the Law on Obligations. The explanation of the provisions of the mentioned laws serves as a way of explaining the legal nature of the auction as a legal institute. Therefore, the dissertation aims to determine the legal nature of the auction by clarifying the different types of auctions, which are regulated in Serbian law, and by comparing them with a voluntary auction, which is not regulated in detail in our law. The largest and today the most famous auction houses were established in the United Kingdom in the second half of the 18th century. The auction sale of goods has spread from Europe to America, and today's statistics show that the market leaders in auction sales are the USA, Great Britain and China. Therefore, the dissertation considers the legal regulation of the auction primarily in the United Kingdom, because it represents a representative sample for observation and analysis. Certain issues are also considered in other legal systems using the comparative law research methodology, in order to propose the best way in which it is necessary to regulate auction sales in Serbian law. Regulation of voluntary auctions in Serbian law is necessary, bearing in mind that auctions are extremely developed in the world, including electronic (online) auctions, which are of special importance and prevalence. Web-sites for the auction sale of goods (for example, eBay, Amazon, etc.) have not been developed in our country, but given the digitalization and the growing and fast development of information and communications technologies, it could be expected that they will be developed in our country in the near future. Therefore, the dissertation also considers certain issues important for electronic (online) auctions. By giving a proposal on the way of regulating the voluntary auction in Serbian law, based on the analysis of certain controversial issues, the dissertation could also serve as a stimulus to regulate the voluntary auction in our law. Thus, in addition to certain types of auctions, which are already regulated in certain special laws, by the detailed regulation of voluntary auctions a systematic approach to auction sales would be applied and comprehensive regulation of auction would be created.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
dc.titlePravna priroda aukcijesr
dc.titleLegal nature of auctionen

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