Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Law and economics of employee inventions

dc.contributor.advisorMarković, Slobodan
dc.contributor.otherRadulović, Branko
dc.contributor.otherJovanović, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.otherPopović, Dušan V.
dc.contributor.otherMojašević, Aleksandar
dc.creatorIlić, Nikola
dc.description.abstractU disertaciji autor nastoji da odgovori na pitanje da li pravo na patentnu zaštitu i privrednu upotrebu pronalaska koji je stvoren u radnom odnosu treba priznati poslodavcu ili pronalazaču i pod kojim uslovima. Povod za istraživanje pružaju brojni radovi u kojima se zagovara bolja pravna zaštita pronalazača i zakonska rešenja u uporednom pravu koja priznaju poslodavcu pravo na patentnu zaštitu pod različitim uslovima. Kako bi došao do odgovora, autor analizira istorijski razvoj instituta patentne zaštite i relevantna zakonska rešenja iz uporednih patentnih sistema, pri čemu pored pravnih metoda primenjuje i ekonomske metode i modele. Na osnovu istraživanja, autor zaključuje da bi pravo na patentnu zaštitu pronalaska stvorenog u radnom odnosu trebalo priznati poslodavcu, pod obavezujućim uslovom da usvoji odgovarajući interni sistem podsticaja, koji bi pronalazačima omogućio da preuzimaju deo rizika (i koristi od) istraživanja i razvoja. Na taj način bi bili stvoreni bolji podsticaji za ulaganje u istraživanje i razvoj i za efikasnije obavljanje istraživačkih delatnosti kod poslodavca, što bi u krajnjem efektu moglo pozitivno da utiče na tehnološki i ekonomski razvoj druš
dc.description.abstractIn the dissertation, the author tries to answer the question of whether the right to patent protection and commercial exploitation of employee inventions should be granted to employers or employed inventors, and under which conditions. The reason for the research lies within numerous papers advocating stronger legal protection of employed inventors, and comparative legal systems granting the right to patent protection to employers under different conditions. In order to provide an answer, the author analyzes the historical development of patent protection, and comparative legal solutions in modern patent systems, applying the legal methods, and economics methods and models. Based on the conducted analysis, the author concludes that the right to patent protection of employee inventions should be granted to an employer, under the mandatory condition to enact adequate internal incentive system for employed inventors, which would enable inventors to take a share of research and development risk (and profit). In that way, one could create better incentives for investments in research and development, and for more efficient conduct of scientific and research activities within employers’ organization, which could contribute to the technological and economic development of a society.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
dc.titlePravnoekonomska analiza patentne zaštite pronalazaka u radnom odnosusr
dc.titleLaw and economics of employee inventionsen



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