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Determination of the source of income in the tax law

dc.creatorPopović, Dejan
dc.creatorIlić-Popov, Gordana
dc.description.abstractIzraz 'izvor' se, kao terminus technicus, u poreskom pravu koristi za označavanje teritorije na kojoj se nalazi objektivna činjenica (dohodak, imovina ili transakcija), koja predstavlja oporezivi događaj. I dok rezidentstvo stvara neograničenu poresku obavezu, izvor podrazumeva primenu teritorijalnog principa. Pravila o izvoru imaju dve različite uloge: (1) da definišu granicu između nerezidentovog dohotka koji podleže i koji ne podleže domaćem porezu ('ulazna' funkcija); i (2) da urede kredit za inostrani porez ('izlazna' funkcija). Fokusirajući se na 'ulaznu' ulogu, autori naglašavaju da najznačajniji poreskopolitički faktor koji se nalazi iza pravila o dohotku predstavlja obveznikova faktička i ekonomska veza sa datom vrstom dohotka. U analizu ulaze i drugi činioci, poput mogućnosti administriranja poreza. U mnogim državama ne postoje elaborirana pravila o izvoru, te se one oslanjaju na razrađenu praksu u pogledu iscrpne primene opšteg principa, kao i na široku mrežu važećih poreskih ugovora, koji sadrže eksplicitna ili implicitna pravila o izvoru za gotovo sve vrste dohotka. Pošto je mreža poreskih ugovora Srbije prilično ograničena, a relevantna sudska praksa praktično ne postoji, autori detaljno razrađuju odredbe poreskih ugovora i određene indikacije u domaćem zakonodavstvu da bi definisali smernice za određivanje izvora za različite vrste dohotka. Oni zaključuju da bi izvor aktivnog dohotka trebalo određivati prema mestu obveznikove delatnosti, a izvor pasivnog dohotka prema mestu delatnosti privrednog društva koje isplaćuje dividende, kamate i autorske
dc.description.abstractTechnically, the term 'source' is used in the tax law to denominate the territory in which an objective fact, representing a chargeable event (income, capital or transaction) is located. While residence triggers off unlimited tax liability, source implies application of the territorial principle. Source rules have two distinct roles: (1) to define the boundary between the incomes of a non-resident person that is and that is not subject to domestic taxation ('inbound' role); and (2) to regulate the foreign tax credit ('outbound' role). The authors focus on the 'inbound' role of the source rules, and they point out that the most important tax policy factor which lies behind the source rules is the taxpayer's factual and economic nexus with the given type of income. Other considerations, such as easiness of administration of the tax, also enter into the analysis. Many countries do not have elaborate source rules, relying on a well-developed body of practice as to the detailed application of the general principle, as well as on the extensive network of tax treaties in place, containing explicit and implicit source rules for virtually all types of income. Since Serbia's tax treaty network is rather limited and relevant judicial cases practically non-existent, the authors carefully elaborate tax treaty provisions and certain indications in domestic legislation, in order to define guidelines for the determination of the source for various types of income It is their conclusion that active income should be sourced according to the taxpayer's place of activity, while passive income should be sourced by the place of activity of the company paying dividends, interest and royalties.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectstalna poslovna jedinicasr
dc.subjectporeski ugovorsr
dc.subjectpasivni dohodaksr
dc.subjectaktivni dohodaksr
dc.subjecttax treatyen
dc.subjectpermanent establishmenten
dc.subjectpassive incomeen
dc.subjectactive incomeen
dc.titleUtvrđivanje izvora dohotka u poreskom pravusr
dc.titleDetermination of the source of income in the tax lawen
dc.citation.other56(2): 96-120

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