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On the notion of contract in English law

dc.creatorJovanović, Nebojša
dc.description.abstractMnogi pravnici su u zabludi kad misle da svaki sporazum o poštenom poslu jeste ugovor i da uživa pravnu zaštitu u svakom pravnom sistemu. Spo- razum koji jedan pravni sistem priznaje za ugovor, drugi može da ne priznaje, te da mu ne pruža pravnu zaštitu. Srpska lica, uglavnom kompanije, često prihvataju strano pravo, kao merodavno, u svojim spoljnotrgovinskim ugovo- rima, ne shvatajući posledice različitosti pravnog režima tih prava u od- nosu na domaće pravo. Cilj ovog članka je da se objasni pojam ugovora u engles- kom i drugim pravima common law sistema, kao i da se ukaže na njegove bitne razlike u odnosu na srpsko pravo. U osnovi anglosaksonskog pojma ugovora leži teorija pritivčinidbe (Doctrine of Consideration), koja ga bitno sužava u od- nosu na srpsko shvatanje. Ona se među srpskim pravnicima često pogrešno shvata kao teorija o kauzi, shvaćenoj na engleski način. U članku se zbog toga daje pojam ugovora u anglosaksonskom pravu, objašnjava teorija protivčinid- be sadržina protivčinidbe, njena primena u jednostranim, dvostranim, dob ročinim i prividnim ugovorima, kao i uloga namere i teorije estopela (Doctrine of Estoppel). Ujedno se ukazuje na osnovne razlike između engleskog i američkog prava u vezi s pojmom ugovora. U zaključku se poredi protivčinidba anglosaksonskog prava sa sličnim pojmovima srpskog ugovornog prava. Članak daje prikaze mnogih presedana iz engleske i američke sudske
dc.description.abstractThere is a widespread misapprehension among the lawyers that any agreement on honest transaction should stand for a 'contract' and enjoy legal protection as such in every legal system. Furthermore, there is a tendency amongst Serbian traders to consent to the choice of law clauses which stipulate a foreign law to be applied to resolve any disputes arising under the contract not fully aware of the repercussions of such a choice. The aim of this article is to offer an explanation of the notion of contract in English law and to point out the most important differences in the ways in which contract is understood in Serbian and English law. The notion of contract in English law is based on the Doctrine of Consideration which restricts it to some extent in comparison with the Serbian comprehension of contract. What frequently happens is that Serbian lawyers misconstrue the common law notion of consideration and equate it to the notion of 'cause'. Therefore, this article deals with the notion of contract in common law, the Doctrine of Consideration, the content of consideration and its application to unilateral, bilateral, gratuitous and fictitious contracts, as well as with the role of intent and the Doctrine of Estoppel. In addition, it shows the main differences between the notions of contract in English and American law. Finally, the author offers an interpretation of the idea of consideration by comparing it with the notions that are familiar to Serbian lawyers. The author's conclusions are supported by his comprehensive English case law research.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationProjekat Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu: Razvoj pravnog sistema Srbije i harmonizacija s pravom Evropske unije - pravni, ekonomski, politički i sociološki aspekti
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.titlePojam ugovora u anglosaksonskom pravusr
dc.titleOn the notion of contract in English lawen
dc.citation.other56(1): 63-88

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