Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

The current reform of the law of inheritance in the Republic of Montenegro

dc.creatorĐurđević, Dejan
dc.description.abstractRad se bavi reformom naslednog prava u Crnoj Gori do koje je došlo krajem 2008. godine, kada je stupio na snagu novi Zakon o nasljeđivanju. Autor izlaže osnovne principe reformisanog crnogorskog naslednog prava i ukazuje na propuste u redakciji novog zakona koji su narušili njegov unutrašnji sklad. U radu su posebno kritikovani instituti (isključenje prava predstavljanja u slučaju negativne nasledne izjave; ugovor o odricanju od nasledstva koje nije otvoreno) koji u praktičnoj primeni mogu olakšati izigravanje ustavnog principa o rodnoj ravnopravnosti i dovesti do diskriminacije ženske dece u pravu na nasleđe. Na kraju je izveden zaključak da reforma crnogorskog naslednog prava nije uspela, jer novi Zakon o nasljeđivanju nije postavio sistem naslednog prava koji priliči građanskom i demokratskom društvu, čije se ekonomsko uređenje zasniva na privatnoj svojini i tržišnoj
dc.description.abstractThe long process of inheritance law reform in the Republic of Montenegro was rounded off by the end of year 2008, with the enactment of the new Law on Inheritance. The author presents basic principles of the newly reformed Montenegrin law of inheritance, and calls attention to the flawed drafting which has resulted in vagueness of the Law and its internal inconsistencies. The author especially criticizes those legal institutions that are prone to facilitate circumvention of the constitutional principle of gender equality and to deprive female heirs of their succession rights. First of all, the author disapproves of the rule under which the title is prevented from passing to the next intestate successor when the heir refuses to keep the inheritance. This means that disclaimer or denunciation of the inheritance bars the succession to the next intestate successor. Secondly, the author draws attention to the arguments against the inheritance waiver contract (the renunciation of inheritance rights contract, Erbverzichtsvertrag). After a methodical and thoroughgoing analysis, the author concludes that the inheritance law reform in Montenegro did not turn out well, as the new Law on Inheritance fell short of setting up a system of rules of inheritance appropriate to the needs of democratic society, market economy and the protection of private ownership.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectZakon o nasljeđivanju Crne Goresr
dc.subjectvanbračni partneri i nasledno pravosr
dc.subjecttestamentarni svedocisr
dc.subjectodricanje od nasledstva koje nije otvorenosr
dc.subjectwitnesses to a willen
dc.subjectunmarired couples and the law of successionen
dc.subjectthe renunciation of inheritance rights contracten
dc.subjectLaw on Inheritance of Montenegroen
dc.titleAktuelna reforma naslednog prava u Crnoj Gorisr
dc.titleThe current reform of the law of inheritance in the Republic of Montenegroen
dc.citation.other57(1): 265-282



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