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Clear and present danger: Review of the new law on protection of competition

dc.creatorBegović, Boris
dc.creatorPavić, Vladimir
dc.description.abstractRad predstavlja analizu Zakona o zaštiti konkurencije donetog jula 2009 godine. Analiza je usredsređena na promene zakonskog teksta u odnosu na prethodni zakon. Harmonizacija domaćeg s evropskim pravom bila je ideja vodilja pri izradi ovog zakona, a zakonodavac je pokušao da Zakonom što vernije oponaša model koji funkcioniše na nivou Zajednice. Razmotrena su zakonska rešenja u pogledu restriktivnih sporazuma, dominantnog položaja i njegove zloupotrebe, određivanja relevantnog tržišta, kao i kontrole koncentracija, vremenski domašaj zakona, kazne, kao i osnovna procesna rešenja, a naročito ona koja se odnose na pravna sredstva protiv rešenja Komisije. Zaključak je da ovaj zakon predstavlja korak unazad sa stanovišta poslovnog okruženja, odnosno regulatornog rizika kojem su izloženi preduzetnici, kao i da se njime faktički ukida efikasna pravna zaštita u oblasti zaštite konkurencije. Konstatuje se da ovaj razmatrani zakon predstavlja 'jasnu i neposrednu opasnost' za obavljanje privrednih delatnosti u Srbiji, za njen privredni rast i prosperitet.sr
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this article is to analyze the Law on Protection of Competition enacted by the Serbian legislator in July 2009; and especially to scrutinize the changes introduced into Serbian law by this new piece of legislation. Harmonization of domestic provisions with those of the European Community has been a guiding principle in the drafting process and the legislator has attempted to mimic the legislative model of the Community as closely as possible. Among the provisions analyzed are those dealing with restrictive practices, dominant position and abuse of dominance determination of the relevant market, merger control, temporal scope of the law, penalties, as well as the basic procedural mechanisms, particularly those dealing with legal recourse against decisions of the Competition Commission. The authors conclude that the new law represents a step back when it comes to business environment, i.e. regulatory risk to which the entrepreneurs are exposed, and that it de facto abolishes effective legal recourse against the rulings of the Commission. Therefore, this law represents a 'clear and present danger' for doing business in Serbia, for its economic growth and prosperity.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectzloupotreba dominantnog položajasr
dc.subjectupravni sporsr
dc.subjectrestriktivni sporazumisr
dc.subjectrelevantno tržištesr
dc.subjectrestrictive agreementsen
dc.subjectrelevant marketen
dc.subjectjudicial reviewen
dc.subjectabuse of the dominant positionen
dc.titleJasna i neposredna opasnost - prikaz novog zakona o zaštiti konkurencijesr
dc.titleClear and present danger: Review of the new law on protection of competitionen
dc.citation.other57(2): 70-88



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