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Human rights in the 21st century: Between crisis and a new beginning

dc.creatorJovanović, Miodrag
dc.creatorKrstić, Ivana
dc.description.abstractAutori nastoje da skiciraju dosadašnji razvoj međunarodnog prava ljudskih prava. U tom smislu ističu da razvitak ove oblasti prava predstavlja iskorak u odnosu na klasično međunarodno pravo, utoliko što je došlo do priznanja međunarodno-pravnog subjektiviteta pojedinaca, kao i do rađanja svojevrsnog globalnog civilnog društva. Dokument kojim je utrt taj put bila je Univerzalna deklaracija o ljudskim pravima iz 1948. godine. Danas, šest decenija od njenog donošenja, moguće je, ipak, uočiti izvesne znakove krize celokupnog projekta razvitka ljudskih prava. Njegove pristalice neretko zagovaraju neku vrstu ekskluzivizma u pogledu prirode ove oblasti prava čime doprinose fragmentaciji međunarodnog javnog prava. Istovremeno međunarodne nevladine organizacije u ovom domenu predmet su kritika zbog svog pristrasnog političkog angažmana i odsustva odgovornosti. Najzad projektu ljudskih prava se prebacuje da nameće kulturne obrasce zapadnih društava. Autori, otuda, zaključuju da je pravo vreme za sve iskrene privrženike ideji ljudskih prava da se odreknu trijumfalističke retorike i samozadovoljstva i da se posvete trezvenom i kritičkom samopromišljanju o tome šta je učinjeno, šta se čini, a naročito o tome šta tek treba da se uradi u oblasti zaštite ljudskih prava.sr
dc.description.abstractThe authors tend to sketch the up to now development of international human rights law. In that respect, they emphasize that the development of this field of law represents a significant improvement of the classical international law, insofar as it recognized the legal subjectivity of individuals, and fostered the creation of a global civil society. The document that paved the way for this development was the 1948 Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Six decades later, it is possible, however, to trace certain signs of crisis of the human rights project. Its promoters often propagate some sort of exclusivism of this field of law, thus contributing to the fragmentation of public international law. At the same time, international human rights NGOs are subject to criticism for their politically biased engagement and the lack of responsibility. Finally, the human rights project is often criticized for imposing cultural patterns of Western societies. The authors, thus, conclude that it is the right time for sincere human rights devotees to abandon triumphant rhetoric and self-complacency and to engage in a sober and critical self-reflection of what has been done, what is being done and, in particular, what is yet to be done in the area of human rights protection.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectuniverzalnost ljudskih pravasr
dc.subjectuniverzalna deklaracijasr
dc.subjectkriza ljudskih pravasr
dc.subjectfragmentacija međunarodnog pravasr
dc.subjectuniversality of human rightsen
dc.subjectuniversal declarationen
dc.subjectfragmentation of international lawen
dc.subjectcrisis of human rightsen
dc.titleLjudska prava u XXI veku - između krize i novog početkasr
dc.titleHuman rights in the 21st century: Between crisis and a new beginningen
dc.citation.other57(4): 3-13



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