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Economic Law as the Law of the Market and the freedom of competition

dc.creatorTaboroši, Svetislav
dc.creatorJovanić, Tatjana
dc.description.abstractU modernoj tržišnoj privredi se problem obezbeđivanja makroekonomske efikasnosti često svodi na to kako obuzdati ekspanziju onih koji pretenduju na to da predstavljaju javni interes i masom propisa ugrožavaju samu supstancu privatnog i individualnog. U realnom privrednom svetu je insistiranje na autonomiji volje, tržišnoj slobodi i slobodi izbora delatnosti ne samo pokušaj odbrane klasičnih ovlašćenja transaktora od političke samovolje, nego i put kojim se štite tržišne institucije. A takođe je to i garancija efikasnosti i ekonomičnosti privrede. Sledstveno tome se ne može smatrati da je Ekonomsko pravo (kao Pravo tržišta) strano telo u privrednoj regulativi, koje sadrži samo ograničenja osnovnog principa. Pre je to područje u kojem se stalno usklađuju promenljivi elementi oko trendne vrednosti - očuvanja tržišnih institucija, koje garantuju ispunjavanje tržišnih funkcija. Konkurencija je bitan atribut, odnosno model tržišta, a tržište osnovni uslov konkurencije. Otuda se sloboda konkurencije smatra opštim interesom modernog demokratski uređenog društva. Zaštita konkurencije ne znači odsustvo države na tržištu, već naprotiv podrazumeva aktivnu ulogu države u zaštiti javnog ekonomskog poretka koji se zasniva na slobodi konkurencije.sr
dc.description.abstractIn a modern market economy, the problem of ensuring macroeconomic efficiency is usually deduced to the issue how to restrain the expansion of those pretending to represent the public interest and jeopardize the substance of private and individual with multitude of legislative acts. In the real economy, insistence upon the autonomy of will, market freedom and the freedom of entrepreneurship is not only an attempt to defend those classical entitlements of transactors from the political self-will, but also a way to protect market institutions. That is also the guarantee of efficiency and effectiveness of the economy. In accordance with this, it is no longer viable to consider the Economic Law (as the Law of the Market) as a foreign element in economic legislation, in the sense that it only refers to limitations of the basic principle. It is rather a domain of a continuous balancing of variable elements around the trend line - preservation of the institutions of the market, which guarantee the accomplishment of market functions. Competition is an important attribute, a model of the market, and the market is the main precondition for the competition. Hence the freedom of competition is conceived as a general interest of a modern democratic society. The protection of competition does not imply the absence of the State on the market, but quite the reverse, its active role in protecting the public economic order based on the freedom of competition.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectregulatorno pravosr
dc.subjectekonomsko pravosr
dc.subjectregulatory lawen
dc.subjectEconomic Lawen
dc.titleEkonomsko pravo kao Pravo tržišta i sloboda konkurencijesr
dc.titleEconomic Law as the Law of the Market and the freedom of competitionen
dc.citation.other47(7-9): 306-331



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