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Special grounds for exemption from liability of carrier of goods in river transport in cases of exceptional danger

dc.creatorJovanović, Nebojša
dc.description.abstractDa bi se oslobodio od odgovornosti za gubitak ili oštećenje tereta rečni brodar treba da dokaže da nije kriv za štetu. To može da učini i pozivanjem na rečnim pravom regulisane posebne razloge: smeštaj tereta na palubi broda, prevoz tereta u plombiranim skladištima, nedostacima ambalaže, prirodna osetljivost tereta na prevoz, prevoz životinja i ukrcaj, iskrcaj i nepravilno slaganje tereta na brod od strane korisnika prevoza. Zbog posebnih opasnosti koje u ovim slučajevima prete teretu, rečno pravo ih naziva 'slučajevi posebnih opasnosti' i uspostavlja brodaru lakši teret njihovog
dc.description.abstractThe law of river transport is created under the influence of maritime law, which applies to the issue of liability of the shipper for loss or damage to the goods, too. However, as far as the issue of exemption from liability is concerned, the influence of rail-road transport is rather visible, particularly in the institute of special grounds for exemption from liability. Relating to the facts of relevance, there are three groups of these grounds: (i) special grounds relating to ship: placing the goods on deck and carrying the cargo leaden-sealed compartments of the ship; (ii) special grounds connected with cargo: shortcomings of packing material, natural susceptibility to carriage, special susceptibility of animals, and (iii) special grounds connected to actions of the user: embarkation, disembarkation and inadequate arranging of cargo. In all these cases there is a danger of increased risk for the cargo in course of carriage, which remains outside the possibilities of the carrier who is unable to eliminate completely ensuing consequences. This is why the law of river transport provides in cases of exceptional danger a favorable procedure in bringing evidence on the part of the shipper. It suffices for him, namely, in order to be exempted from liability, to prove to the court that such danger was the cause of damage to cargo. It is not necessary for him to persuade the court that these special grounds did really cause damage. However, special susceptibility of animals is unnecessarily specified here as the ground for exemption, since it is already included in natural susceptibility of things. In addition, the grounds of embarkation or disembarkation of cargo on the part of the user of carriage is unnecessarily provided, since these acts fall outside the time limits otherwise subject to special river transport law regime in the sphere of contractual liability of shipper.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectslučajevi posebnih opasnostisr
dc.subjectrečni prevozilacsr
dc.subjectoslobođenje brodara od odgovornostisr
dc.subjectspecial danger groundsen
dc.subjectriver carrieren
dc.subjectexemption of shipper from liabilityen
dc.titlePosebni razlozi oslobođenja od odgovornosti rečnog prevozioca robe - slučajevi posebnih opasnostisr
dc.titleSpecial grounds for exemption from liability of carrier of goods in river transport in cases of exceptional dangeren
dc.citation.other40(5): 443-456

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