Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Damages for breach of contract for international sale of goods

dc.contributor.advisorVasiljević, Mirko
dc.contributor.otherŠulejić, Predrag
dc.contributor.otherKnežević, Gašo
dc.contributor.otherPopović, Vitomir
dc.contributor.otherPerović, Jelena
dc.creatorĐorđević, Milena V.
dc.description.abstractPredmet ovog rada jeste određivanje obima naknade štete zbog povrede ugovora o međunarodnoj prodaji, odnosno definisanje pojedinih oblika štete koji se mogu nadoknaditi prema odredbama Bečke konvencije o ugovorima o međunarodnoj prodaji robe, uz razmatranje posebnih uslova za naknadu štete, metoda odmeravanja visine naknade štete, kao i načina ograničenja obima naknade. Nesporno je da bez efikasne mogućnosti ostvarivanja prava na naknadu štete nema ni efikasne privrede. Otud je i cilj ovog rada sistematizacija jedne važne pravne oblasti, do sada nedovoljno razmatrane u našoj stručnoj literaturi, iznalaženje rukovodnih načela za njeno pravilno razumevanje, te ustanovljenje koherentnog sistema i metodologije odmeravanja naknade različitih oblika štete, sa posebnim osvrtom na pojedine oblike štete i moderne tendencije u razmatranju ovog instituta, kako u teoriji tako i u praksi. Ova tema je od posebnog značaja, s jedne strane, u naučno-teorijskom smislu, jer je reč o nedovoljno obrađenoj materiji pre svega u domaćoj stručnoj literaturi, a s druge strane i u praktičnom smislu, imajući u vidu učestalost raspravljanja o zahtevima za naknadu štete baziranim na Konvenciji u sudskoj i arbitražnoj praksi i pozitivne efekte koji se samo pravilno određenim obimom i odmerenim iznosom visine naknade štete mogu postići neposredno u imovini poverioca i posredno u privrednom sistemu zemlje njegovog sedišta. Rad obuhvata uvod, pet poglavlja i zaključna razmatranja sa preko 1000 referenci (fusnota) upućivanja na druge savremene autore i različite pravne izvore, koji na primeren način odražavaju stanje aktuelne uporednopravne nauke u ovoj oblasti. U radu su pored normativnog metoda kao osnovnog, korišćeni i uporednopravni i istorijski metod. Relevantnu istraživačku građu čine domaći i strani izvori iz ove oblasti, brojni komentari Konvencije, dela monografskog karaktera i č
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation focuses on the issue of scope and calculation of the damages for the breach of the contract for the international sale of goods. In other words, the author seeks to define specific kinds of damages which are deemed recoverable pursuant to the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and to discuss particular conditions for recovery of such damages, delineate the methods of calculation of the actual amount of damages due and point out the factors of limitation of that amount. It is undisputed that the efficiency in exercising the right to claim damages is a conditio sine qua non of efficient trade. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to provide for a systematization of an important area of law which has unfortunately not been in the focus of the Serbian legal literature so far. The aim is to identify the governing principles of this area of law, define a coherent system and methodology of calculation of different kinds of damages and put forward modern theoretical and practical tendencies with respect to specific kinds of damages. The relevance of this topic is twofold. On the one hand, the topic is important because of its scientific and theoretic aspect. Namely, the issues covered by this thesis have not been sufficiently discussed in the Serbian legal literature. On the other hand, the topic bears a practical significance since the issue of calculation of damages is often discussed in judicial and arbitral case law. In that respect, it should be noted that only a correctly defined scope of damages and appropriatly chosen method of calculation of damages is likely to produce positive effects to the assets of the creditor and, indirectly, in the economic system of the country of its seat. The thesis consists of an introduction, five parts and a conclusion. It contains more than 1000 references to contemporary authors and other legal sources which appropriately reflect the modern stage of comparative law in the field of our study. Apart from the basic, normative method, the thesis also uses the comparative and historical method. The research was based on domestic and foreign scientific resources, numerous commentaries of the CISG, monographs and papers.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179077/RS//
dc.subjectScope of Damages
dc.subjectAmount of Damages
dc.subjectForeseeability Principle
dc.subjectMitigation Principle
dc.subjectParty Autonomy Principle
dc.subjectPrinciple of Calculation In Concreto
dc.subjectAutonomous Interpretation
dc.subjectUniform Application
dc.subjectобим накнаде
dc.subjectвисина накнаде
dc.subjectначело предвидљивости штете
dc.subjectначело спречавања штете
dc.subjectначело аутономије воље
dc.subjectначело конкретног одмеравања накнаде штете
dc.subjectједнообразност примене
dc.subjectаутономно тумачење
dc.titleObim naknade štete zbog povrede ugovora o međunarodnoj prodaji robesr
dc.titleDamages for breach of contract for international sale of goodsen



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