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A new insight on the Code of Hammurabi (I)

dc.creatorStanimirović, Vojislav
dc.description.abstractTekst sadrži prvi potpuni prevod Hamurabijevog zakonika na srpski jezik, jer obuhvata sa odgovarajućim oznakama i prevod tridesetak rekonstruisanih normi, koje su u originalnom tekstu izbrisane (čl. 66-99), što dosadašnji srpski prevodi nisu nudili. Imajući u vidu i najnovija otkrića u vezi s ovim zakonikom (Hazor), uz prilagođeni prevod najvažnijeg klinopisnog zakonika daju se i iscrpna inovirana objašnjenja. Ona zadiru u neke probleme vezane za pojedine njegove propise i najznačajnije novine koje je Hamurabijev zakonik uneo u pravni život. Autor pokušava da iz novog ugla sagleda i njegovu složenu prirodu. Jedinstveno preplitanje običaja i zakona, kao dva suštinski različita pravna izvora, priroda Zakonika, koji se nalazi između zakonika u užem smislu te reči i zbirke presuda, kao i značajne promene koje donosi u oblasti socijalne politike, u punoj meri pokazuju koliko savremena pravna kultura duguje sumersko-akadskoj pravnoj tradiciji, čiji je on jedan od potomaka, mada ne i najstariji, kako se dugo
dc.description.abstractThis paper offers the first complete translation of the Code of Hammurabi into Serbian, including about thirty reconstructed damaged norms of the original stella text (66-99), mainly following Martha Roth's edition. It also contains the author's comprehensive comments to the provisions of the Code, and his reflections on the most important innovations introduced by this Babylonian legal scripture. The author tries to perceive and analyze the complex nature of the Code from a new angle. The author calls attention to the unique blending of customs and law in the Code, as two substantially different sources of law. He stresses out the specific nature of the Code, which lies somewhere between the code in the full meaning of the word and a collection of judgments, as well as the substantial changes that were brought by the Code in the field of 'social policy' of the time. All of this may clearly show how much the contemporary legal culture owes to the Sumerian-Acadian legal tradition, represented by this Code at its best and to the fullest extent possible.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectzakon i običajsr
dc.subjectsumersko-akadska pravna tradicijasr
dc.subjectpravni izvorisr
dc.subjectHamurabijev zakonik (srpski prevod)sr
dc.subjectSumerian-Acadian legal traditionen
dc.subjectsources of lawen
dc.subjectlaw and customen
dc.subjectCode of Hammurabi (Serbian translation)en
dc.titleNovi pogled na Hamurabijev zakonik - I deosr
dc.titleA new insight on the Code of Hammurabi (I)en
dc.citation.other59(1): 133-159

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