Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Contribution to the public debate on the constitutionality of the Act on churches and religious communities of The Republic of Serbia

dc.creatorMarinković, Tanasije
dc.description.abstractO ustavnosti Zakona o crkvama i verskim zajednicama vođena je javna rasprava u Ustavnom sudu Republike Srbije oktobra 2010. godine. U ovom radu pripremljenom za tu raspravu razmatraju se pravo na slobodu veroispovesti, zabrana verske diskriminacije i načelo svetovnosti države zajemčeni Ustavom Republike Srbije od 2006. godine. Polazeći od značenja ovih pojmova u jurisprudenciji Evropskog suda za ljudska prava i u uporednom pravu, i služeći se normativnim i istorijskim metodom tumačenja, autor dolazi do zaključka o neusklađenosti pojedinih odredaba Zakona o crkvama i verskim zajednicama sa Ustavom Republike Srbije i Evropskom konvencijom za zaštitu ljudskih
dc.description.abstractIn October 2010 a public hearing was held at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia on the constitutionality of the Act on churches and religious communities. In the present contribution, prepared for that hearing, right to freedom of religion, prohibition of religious discrimination and the principle of secular state, as guaranteed by the 2006 Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, are considered. Analyzing the content of the given rights and principles in the light of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and of comparative law, and applying the normative and historical method of interpretation, the author concludes that certain provisions of the Act on churches and religious communities are incompatible with the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and the European Convention on Human Rights.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectZakon o crkvama i verskim organizacijamasr
dc.subjectzabrana verske diskriminacijesr
dc.subjectUstav Republike Srbije od 2006. godinesr
dc.subjectsloboda veroispovestisr
dc.subjectnačelo svetovnosti državesr
dc.subjectprohibition of religious discriminationen
dc.subjectprinciple of secular stateen
dc.subjectfreedom of religionen
dc.subjectAct on churches and religious communitiesen
dc.subject2006 Constitution of the Republic of Serbiaen
dc.titlePrilog za javnu raspravu o ustavnosti Zakona o crkvama i verskim zajednicamasr
dc.titleContribution to the public debate on the constitutionality of the Act on churches and religious communities of The Republic of Serbiaen
dc.citation.other59(1): 367-385



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