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Enforcement agent

dc.creatorBodiroga, Nikola
dc.description.abstractNakon osamdeset godina sudskog izvršenja građanskih sudskih odluka i nekoliko godina diskusije zakonodavac je odlučio da je vreme za radikalne promene u oblasti izvršnog postupka. Novi Zakon o izvršenju i obezbeđenju je uveo izvršitelje kao samostalnu pravničku profesiju. Zakon pravi razliku između (privatnog) izvršitelja i sudskog izvršitelja. Izvršitelj može biti samo diplomirani pravnik koji ima godine iskustva, položen ispit za izvršitelja i koji ispunjava druge uslove. Izvršitelj je prvenstveno zadužen za sprovođenje izvršenja, ali u nekim situacijama (naplata potraživanja po osnovu komunalija, gde su državna preduzeća poverioci) on je gotovo jedini organ izvršnog postupka. Sama organizacija službe izvršitelja je izvedena na način koji ne podstiče konkurenciju. Zatvoren sistem vodi u monopol i moguću korupciju. Izvršitelj je odgovoran prvenstveno ministarstvu pravde, a u neznatnoj meri sudu. Komora izvršitelja nije sasvim autonomno telo, već pod jakim nadzorom ministarstva pravde. Zakon se odlučio za paralelan kolosek izvršenja putem sudskih i privatnih izvršitelja što je tranzicijsko rešenje ka potpunom prelasku na sistem privatnih izvrš
dc.description.abstractAfter severe discussions and almost eighty years of court-based enforcement the legislator decided it was time for a change. New Serbian Enforcement and Security Act has established enforcement agents as new legal profession. New Law distinguishes between (private) enforcement agents and court bailiffs. Only graduate and experienced lawyer who has passed special exam and meets other conditions can be appointed as enforcement agent. His primary duty is to carry the enforcement out, but in some situations he is solely responsible for the whole enforcement procedure. When it comes to collection of utilites (state companies are enforcement creditors) enforcement procedure is almost completely in hands of enforcement agent. The system of enforcement agents is not organized in a way that fosters competition. It is closed system that leads to monopoly and possible corruption. Enforcement agents are primarily responsible to the Ministry of Justice, and not so much under the court's supervision. Chamber of enforcement agents is not completely autonomous but under control of the Ministry of Justice. Besides enforcement agents court bailiffs still continue to exist. Mixture of enforcement agents and court bailiffs exists in other countries as well. Mixed status is transitional before moving to a fully private status of enforcement agents.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
dc.subjectprava - dužnosti i odgovornostisr
dc.subjectparalelni kolosek izvršenjasr
dc.subjectorganizacija službesr
dc.subjectrights - duties and responsibilitiesen
dc.subjectorganization of serviceen
dc.subjectmixture of (private) enforcement agents and court bailiffsen
dc.subjectenforcement agenten
dc.titleEnforcement agenten
dc.citation.other45(2): 193-220

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