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Establishment of the 'Lunatic asylum'

dc.creatorMirković, Zoran
dc.creatorStanimirović, Vojislav
dc.description.abstractTekst je posvećen stopedesetogodišnjici osnivanja ustanove za smeštaj i lečenje duševno obolelih ('Doma za s’ uma sišavše') - 3. marta 1861. godine. Najpre se daje uvod u razvoj srpske medicine od srednjeg veka pa do polovine XIX veka. Značajnu ulogu u tom periodu ima verska medicina i manastirske bolnice. Neki od manastira su se gotovo specijalizovali za lečenje duševnih bolesti. Godine 1839. u Kneževini Srbiji su se desila tri incidenta sa duševno obolelim licima i to je dovelo do ozbiljne reakcije nadležnih organa. Zakonski predlog da duševno oboleli budu smešteni u manastiru Studenica nije bio prihvatljiv za mitropolita, crkvenog poglavara. Novi zakonski projekt iz 1861. godine imao je više sreće - usvojen je 3. marta pod naslovom 'Ustrojenije Doma za s’ uma sišavše'. Ovaj Dom je bio smešten u takozvanoj 'Doktorovoj kuli'. I ustanova i zgrada postoje i danas. Iz skromnog 'Doma za s’ uma sišavše' razvila se današnja Specijalna bolnica za neuropsihijatrijske bolesti 'Dr Laza Lazarević', a 'Doktorova kula' nalazi se u okviru kompleksa Kliničkog centra Srbije.sr
dc.description.abstractThe text is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the institution for the nursing and treatment of the mentally ill ('Lunatic Asylum') - 3rd March 1861. First, the development of the Serbian medical science from the Middle Ages until the first half of the 19th century is outlined. Religion-related medicine and monasterial hospitals played a significant role in that period. Some monasteries were almost specialized for the treatment of the mentally ill. In 1839, three incidents with mentally ill occurred in the Principality of Serbia, which led to a serious response of the authorities. The legal proposal that the mentally ill should be placed in the Studenica Monastery was not acceptable for the Mitropole, the church leader. A new legal project was proposed in 1861, passed on March 3rd - 'The Establishment of the Lunatic Asylum'. This Asylum was placed in the so-called Doctor’s Tower. Both the institution and the building exist even today. Today’s Special Hospital for Neuropsychiatrical Diseases 'Dr Laza Lazarevic' has developed from the modest 'Lunatic Asylum', and the Doctor’s Tower is still within the complex of the Clinical Center of Serbia.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Nišu, Niš
dc.subjectzakonski projekt iz 1839. godinesr
dc.subject'Ustrojenije Doma za s' uma sišavše' od 3. marta 1861. godinesr
dc.subjectSrbija XIX vekasr
dc.subjectmanastirske bolnice u Srbijisr
dc.subjectduševno obolelisr
dc.subjectXIX Century Serbiaen
dc.subjectmonasterial hospitals in Serbiaen
dc.subjectMentaly Illen
dc.subjectLegal Project 1839en
dc.subject'Establishment of the lunatic asylum' 1861en
dc.titleOsnivanje 'Doma za s' uma sišavše'sr
dc.titleEstablishment of the 'Lunatic asylum'en
dc.citation.other36(3): 1339-1354



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