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Registration of media outlets

dc.creatorCucić, Vuk
dc.description.abstractRegistracija javnih glasila je u Srbiji aktuelno pitanje od trenutka kad je Zakon o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o javnom informisanju uveo registar javnih glasila. Ustavni sud Srbije je naknadno utvrdio da navedene odredbe nisu u saglasnosti sa Ustavom. Autor analizira međunarodne standarde i uporednopravna rešenja pitanja na koja je neophodno dati odgovor prilikom uvođenja registra javnih glasila. Najpre, pitanje da li treba uvesti jedinstveni registar za sva javna glasila ili više registara koji će uvažiti razlike koje postoje izmeðu štampanih javnih glasila, radiodifuzije i internet javnih glasila u pogledu legitimnog obima njihove regulacije. Slede pitanja svrhe uvođenja registra, njegovog sadržaja, tj. podataka koji su predmet registracije, tela koje ga vodi i njegovog položaj u odnosu na državnu upravu, kao i sredstava motivacije za upis u registar (sankcije, povlastice). Najzad, razmatraju se alternative uvođenju registra, kojima bi se ostvarila ista svrha. Takođe, kao najčešće proklamovani ciljevi uvođenja registra, u radu se analiziraju i međunarodni standardi i uporednopravna rešenja kojima se obezbeđuje transparentnost vlasništva u medijima i sprečava nedozvoljena medijska koncentracija. U potonjem delu rada sagledavaju se važeća zakonodavna rešenja u Srbiji i razmatraju se mogućnosti za uređenje ove oblasti de lege ferenda, posebno imajući u vidu Strategiju razvoja sistema javnog informisanja u Republici
dc.description.abstractThe registration of media outlets has been a current issue in Serbia ever since the media register was established by the Act Amending the Public Information Act. The Constitutional Court of Serbia subsequently ruled that respective provisions of that Act were unconstitutional. The author analyzes the international standards and comparative legislative solutions on a number of questions which need to be answered when the media register is being introduced. The first question is whether to introduce a single register for all the media outlets or several registers which would acknowledge the differences between the print, broadcasting and Internet media in terms of the legitimate scope of their regulation. There is also a number of questions concerning the purpose of introducing the media register, its content, i.e. data that shall be registered, the authority which shall keep the register and its status vis-à-vis the public administration, as well as the instruments for encouraging media registration (sanctions, benefits). Further on, the author considers the possible alternatives to introducing the media register, which may serve to accomplish the same goals. In addition, the author analyzes the international standards and comparative legislation which ensure the transparency of media ownership and prevent the prohibited media concentration, as the most frequently proclaimed aims for media registration. In the final part of the paper, the author examines the Serbian legislation on this issue and discusses the possibilities for de lege ferenda regulation of this matter, especially taking into consideration the Strategy for the Development of the Public Information System in the Republic of Serbia.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Nišu - Pravni fakultet, Niš
dc.sourceZbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu
dc.subjectsloboda medijasr
dc.subjectregistar javnih glasilasr
dc.subjectpravo na obaveštenostsr
dc.subjectnedozvoljena medijska koncentracijasr
dc.subjectmedijski pluralizamsr
dc.subjectjavnost vlasništva medijasr
dc.subjecttransparency of media ownershipen
dc.subjectright to be informeden
dc.subjectregister of media outletsen
dc.subjectprohibited media concentrationen
dc.subjectmedia pluralismen
dc.subjectfreedom of the pressen
dc.titleRegistracija javnih glasilasr
dc.titleRegistration of media outletsen
dc.citation.other(61): 421-438

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