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Judgments in commercial cases with erga omnes effect

dc.creatorPetrović, Vanja
dc.description.abstractPrivredni sudovi postupaju u sporovima proisteklim iz privrednog poslovanja. Nadležnost privrednog suda se uspostavlja primenom kriterijuma ratione personae, a u slučaju da on nije dovoljan doći će do kumulativne primene kriterijuma ratione personae i kriterijuma koji se odnosi na prirodu delatnosti stranke u postupku i to samo u slučaju da jedna od stranaka u postupku nije privredni subjekat. U slučaju da lica koja prema društvu imaju posebne dužnosti ne ispoštuju zakonsku obavezu o uzdržavanju od prouzrokovanja sukoba interesa doći će do spora. Derivativna tužba je opšte sredstvo koje stoji na raspolaganju licima, koja trpe štetne posledice zbog povrede koju su načinila lica koja prema društvu imaju posebne dužnosti. U sporovima o prestanku društva i pobijanju odluka skupštine društva preobražajni tužbeni zahtev je ukidajućeg karaktera. U stečajnom postupku se radi o nastajućem preobražajnom tužbenom zahtevu. O menjajućem preobražajnom tužbenom zahtevu se radi u postupku za zaštitu naziva društva. Pravilo je da preobražajne presude deluju ex nunc, sem u slučaju poništavanja osnivačkog akta i odluke skupštine društva koje deluju ex tunc.sr
dc.description.abstractThe Commercial Courts treat disputes arising from the business operations. The jurisdiction of the Commercial Court is established by applying the ratione personae principle. In a case it is not a sufficient criteria, there will be a cumulative use of this principle and the principle that is related to the nature of the party to the proceedings, activities, provided that one of the party to the proceeding is not a business subject. If the individuals who have special duties to the society do not respect their legal obligation to refrain from causing a conflict of interest, the dispute may arise. The derivative action is a general tool which is available to the individuals who suffer the adverse effects of violations made by other individuals, who have special duties to the society. In disputes concerning the termination of the company and contesting the General Assembly decisions, the transformative action has abolishing character. In bankruptcy proceeding, it is an emerging claim. In proceedings concerning the protection of society name, the transformative action has changing character. The general rule says that the transformative decisions have ex nunc effects, except when they contest the Memorandum, of the Association and General Assembly decisions - in these cases, they have ex tunc effects.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectsukob interesasr
dc.subjectprivredni sporsr
dc.subjectpresude sa dejstvom erga omnessr
dc.subjectpreobražajno pravosr
dc.subjectderivativna tužbasr
dc.subjecttransforming the righten
dc.subjectjudgments with erga omnes effecten
dc.subjectderivative actionen
dc.subjectconflict of interesten
dc.subjectcommercial disputeen
dc.titlePresude donete u privrednim sporovima sa dejstvom erga omnessr
dc.titleJudgments in commercial cases with erga omnes effecten
dc.citation.other49(1-3): 199-217



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