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Acknowledgement before the notary public

dc.creatorĐurđević, Dejan
dc.description.abstractPriznanje javnobeležničkog zapisa (rekognicija) predstavlja centralni stadijum notarskog postupka, u kome notar upoznaje stranku sa sadržinom isprave koju je sa nju sačinio, da bi nakon toga stranka odobrila ispravu i potpisala se. Zakon o javnom beležništvu nije u potpunosti uredio ovaj stadijum, tj. nije regulisao kako se stranka upoznaje sa sadržinom javnobeležničkog zapisa i kako ga odobrava. Polazeći od značaja koji rekognicija ima za ostvarenje preventivne funkcije javnog beležništva, autor razmatra načine za popunjavanje ove pravne praznine. Na osnovu shodne primene pravila vanparničnog postupka i tumačenja čl. 76 ZJB, dolazi do zaključka da se stadijum priznanja javnobeležničkog zapisa u srpskom pravu sprovodi tako što notar čita stranci tekst pravnog posla sa izvornika javnobeležničkog zapisa, nakon čega ona izjavljuje da je njena volja verno uneta i potpisuje se na javnobeležničkom zapisu. Sve ove radnje se prostorno i vremenski nadovezuju čineći jedinstven akt kome moraju neprekidno prisustvovati i stranka i javni beležnik (princip unitas actus).sr
dc.description.abstractIn the course of performing a notarial act (Notariatsakt), notary public should inform a party of the contents of the document he has drawn up for them, so that the party may approve of the document and sign it. This phase of the notarial proceedings, which includes presentation of the document to the party, her acceptance and signing thereof, may be described as the acknowledgment (Rekognition) of the notarial writing by the party before the notary public. Regrettably, the new Serbian Law on Notary Public (2011) does not regulate the aforesaid acknowledgment comprehensively, as it lacks specific provisions relating to the manner in which the party could get acquainted with the contents of the document prepared by the notary, and in which she may approve of it. The author recognizes this deficit as a legal gap or lacuna, sees it as an impediment to the preventive function of the notaries public, and considers the ways of filling it. On the basis of Article 76 of the Law on Notary Public, and the mutatis mutandis application of the existing rules of non-contentious proceedings, the author concludes that the stage of acknowledgement of the document prepared by the notary public occurs at a single time and place (unitas actus), in a manner that the notary reads the content of the deed to the party from the original document, the party affirms that her will was truthfully presented, and puts her signature to the notarial act.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectpriznanje notarskog zapisa (rekognicija)sr
dc.subjectnotarski postupaksr
dc.subjectjavnobeležnički (notarski) zapissr
dc.subjectjavnobeležnička (notarska) ispravasr
dc.subjectjavni beležnik (notar)sr
dc.subjectnotary publicen
dc.subjectnotarial proceedingsen
dc.subjectnotarial document (notariatsurkunde)en
dc.subjectnotarial act (notariatsakt)en
dc.titlePriznanje notarskog zapisasr
dc.titleAcknowledgement before the notary publicen
dc.citation.other60(1): 159-184



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