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Contemporary challenges in state-church relationship

dc.creatorĐukić, Dalibor
dc.description.abstractRazličiti aspekti odnosa države i crkava i verskih zajednica već decenijama se nalaze u fokusu naučnih istraživanja, pogotovo u zapadnim zemljama evropskog kontinenta. Ove odnose u savremenim, sekularnim i pluralističkim društvima karakteriše jaka dinamika u njihovoj evoluciji, uobličavanju i prilagođavanju društvenim tendencijama. Prateći te trendove, Kancelarija za demokratske institucije i ljudska prava (ODIHR) Organizacije za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju (OEBS) započela je proces ažuriranja svojih Smernica koje se odnose na zakonodavstvo o crkvama i verskim zajednicama. Ovaj proces rezultiraće novim Smernicama za priznavanje religijskih ili verskih zajednica, koje će samo dopuniti prethodne Smernice za ocenu zakonodavstva koje se odnosi na religije ili na uverenja iz 2004. godine. Bilo bi poželjno da i domaće zakonodavstvo i naučna javnost budu upoznati sa principima i ciljevima regulisanja pravnog položaja crkava i verskih zajednica, koje ova najveća međuvladina organizacija preporučuje svojim članicama, pogotovo imajući u vidu da je Srbija jedna od njih.sr
dc.description.abstractRelations between the state, churches and religious communities have been in the focus of scientific research in recent decades, especially in the western countries of the European continent. These relations in the modern, secular and pluralistic societies are characterized by strong dynamics in their evolution, development, shaping and adapting to social tendencies. ODIHR (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights) is currently working on an update to its 2004 Guidelines for Review of Legislation pertaining to Religion or Belief. The update will have the form of Guidelines on Recognition of Religious or Belief Communities (working title). This document will include examples of good practices from a number of OSCE participating States. In order to identify these good practices, ODIHR has prepared a questionnaire for experts in the area of freedom of religion or belief. The purpose of the questionnaire is to find examples of good practice in national law which could be used in the relevant sections of the updated Guidelines. This paper analyzes the ODIHR's questionnaire, not as a separate document, but in correlation with previous ODIHR's 2004 Guidelines for Review of Legislation pertaining to Religion or Belief in order to establish instructive suggestions and shed some light on certain unanswered question in Serbian legislation, particularly in the area of recognition of religious and belief communities. Furthermore, following the analysis of adopted regulation within Serbian legislation, an attempt is given to identify nationally applicable solutions in Serbia that could qualify as an example of good practice in new ODIHR's Guidelines.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectPravni položaj crkava i verskih zajednicasr
dc.subjectDržavno-crkveno pravosr
dc.subjectState-church Lawen
dc.subjectSerbian legislativeen
dc.subjectLegal treatment of Churches and Religious Communitiesen
dc.titleSavremeni izazovi državno-crkvenog pravasr
dc.titleContemporary challenges in state-church relationshipen
dc.citation.other61(1): 249-265



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