Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Investment based life insurance

dc.creatorPetrović-Tomić, Nataša
dc.description.abstractSavremeno tržište životnih osiguranja karakteriše pojava novih vrsta osiguranja, među kojima posebno mesto pripada onima koji povezuju različite segmente finansijskog tržišta. Životno osiguranje vezano za investicione fondove je primer osiguranja koje odgovara potrebama zahtevnih potrošača osiguranja. Nakon objašnjenja pojma ovog osiguranja i analize instituta, autor se fokusira na tri ključna pitanja investicionog životnog osiguranja. Prvo, na pravo ugovarača osiguranja da izabere investicioni fond u koji će njegova premija biti uložena. Drugo, na dužnost obaveštavanja ulagača o investicionom riziku koji na sebe preuzima izborom investicionog fonda. Treće, autor ukazuje na potrebu da osiguravači preduzmu određene mere kako bi se određeni deo sume osiguranja garantovao za isplatu ugovaraču osiguranja, zbog neizvesnosti osigurane sume u ovoj vrsti osiguranja života. Autor zaključuje da investiciono životno osiguranje ima veliki potencijal i da, u zavisnosti od toga sa koliko uspeha se potrošači osiguranja edukuju, ono za njih može postati jedan od atraktivnijih
dc.description.abstractThe progress at the modern market of life insurance has been characterized by emergence of new types of insurance. Particular emphasis in research and practice in the area of the newly formed types of insurance is given to those that establish a special connection between different segments of financial market. In response to the requirements of certain demanding consumers, insurance companies sought to accommodate their needs through development of a special kind of insurance contract - investment based life insurance. After defining the notion of this type of insurance, the author focuses on three fundamental questions of investment based life insurance. Firstly, the spotlight turns to the right of policy holder to choose investment fund in which the insurer is to invest the premium on his account. Author stresses that this issue also pertains to the allocation of the investment risk, as the policy holder bears the consequences in this regard. Secondly, this paper focuses on the particular duty of the insurer to inform the policyholder of investment risk he bears by choosing the investment fund. Thirdly, the attention is directed at the importance for the insurers to undertake measures aimed at guaranteeing specific part of insurance amount to policyholders. In conclusion, the paper elucidates on the actual market potential of the investment based life insurance and its general attractiveness as an up-and-coming product, demarcating the possible future trends in this regard.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectŽivotno osiguranjesr
dc.subjectPotrošačke informacijesr
dc.subjectInvesticioni riziksr
dc.subjectInvesticioni fondsr
dc.subjectLife insuranceen
dc.subjectInvestment Risken
dc.subjectInvestment funden
dc.subjectConsumer informationen
dc.titleOsiguranje života vezano za investicione fondovesr
dc.titleInvestment based life insuranceen
dc.citation.other61(1): 122-148



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