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Entitlement to unemployment benefits: Current problems and possible solutions

dc.creatorBojić, Filip
dc.description.abstractPredmet ovog rada je problemska analiza prava na novčanu naknadu za slučaj nezaposlenosti, kompleksnog pravnog pitanja iz sfere osiguranja u slučaju nezaposlenosti. Autor, koristeći domaću i uporednopravnu građu, pokušava da problematizuje nekoliko osnovnih segmenata ovog instituta, nudeći, pri tom, konkretna rešenja u pogledu unapređenja zakonske regulative. Posebna pažnja posvećena je vremenskoj ograničenosti prava na novčanu naknadu, pri čemu autor komparira aktuelna rešenja crnogorskog i hrvatskog zakonodavca u ovoj oblasti sa domaćom legislativom. Istovremeno, autor nastoji da, analizom našeg Zakona o zapošljavanju i osiguranju za slučaj nezaposlenosti, istakne probleme u njegovoj primeni. Pitanja da li i pod kojim uslovima pravo na novčanu naknadu može ostvariti i lice kojem je radni odnos prestao sporazumom na inicijativu poslodavca, kao i zbog odbijanja zaključenja aneksa ugovora o radu, su dodatno problematizovana. Autor se naročito bavi pitanjem vraćanja novčane naknade Nacionalnoj službi u slučaju da je sud utvrdio da je otkaz bio nezakonit i na njega autor pokušava, suočavajući argumente dva modela i stavove Vrhovnog suda Srbije, da da potencialno praktično primenljiv odgovor i zakonski utemeljeno rešenje.sr
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this paper is a problem-analysis of entitlements to unemployment benefits, the complex legal issue in the field of unemployment insurance. The Author, using domestic and comparative material, looks into several basic segments of this legal institute, offering, at the same time, concrete solutions in terms of improving the legislation. Special attention has been paid to the time limitation of the entitlement to unemployment benefits, where the Author compares a current solution of Montenegrin and Croatian legislator in this field with the domestic legislation. At the same time, by the analysis of our Law on Employment and Unemployment Insurance, the Author attempts to highlight the problems in its implementation. The issues whether and under what conditions the entitlement to unemployment benefits may be achieved by a person whose employment is terminated by agreement at the initiative of the employer, and for refusing to conclude annex to the employment contract, are further problematized. The Author specifically deals with the issue of refunding unemployment benefits to the National Employment Service in the event that the court determines that the employment termination was unlawful and by confronting the arguments of the two models and the positions of the Supreme Court of Serbia the Authors attempts to give a potentially applicable answer and a legally-based solution.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectZakon o zapošljavanju i osiguranju za slučaj nezaposlenostisr
dc.subjectugovor o radusr
dc.subjectnovčana naknadasr
dc.subjectunemployment benefitsen
dc.subjectLaw on employment and unemployment insuranceen
dc.subjectemployment contracten
dc.titlePravo na novčanu naknadu za slučaj nezaposlenosti - aktuelni problemi i moguća rešenjasr
dc.titleEntitlement to unemployment benefits: Current problems and possible solutionsen
dc.citation.other52(7-9): 527-545



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