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Global limitation of liability in inland navigation

dc.creatorJanković, Svetislav
dc.description.abstractOpšte ograničenje odgovornosti je institut preuzet iz pomorskog prava. Na početku rada se obrađuju opšta pitanja nastanka i opravdanosti ovog instituta. U radu se naročita pažnja posvećuje Strazburškoj konvenciji o ograničenju odgovornosti u unutrašnjoj plovidbi iz 2012. godine, koju je do sada samo Republika Srbija ratifikovala. Autor kritički razmatra institute opšteg ograničenja odgovornosti iz pomenute konvencije, te ih na pogodnim mestima poredi sa srpskim pravom u ovoj oblasti, ističući razlike između pravnih režima. Dolazi se do zaključka da je Republika Srbija učinila važan korak napred ratifikujući ovu konvenciju, posebno imajući u vidu činjenicu nastanka jedinstvenog 'Dunavskog prostora' stvaranjem kanala Dunav-Rajna-Majna (Evropski kanal). Na ovaj način se ispunjavaju pravni i faktički preduslovi za oživljavanje i dalji razvoj rečnog brodarstva u
dc.description.abstractGlobal limitation of liability means possibility for ship-owner and other authorized persons to limit their responsibility upon all types of their creditors (contractual and non-contractual), which actually means possibility to exclude their liability founding the 'fund of limitation' before the court. Global limitation of liability has its origins in old Maritime Law. Although, this legal institute could be viewed as anachronistic and, even, overprotective to ship-owners and other authorized persons, it is very useful tool for contemporary normal performance of commercial trade relating to inland navigation. In this article the author explains the new legal international regime of global limitation of liability in inland navigation, which is introduced by enacting the Strasbourg Convention of Limitation of Liability in Inland Navigation 2012. He makes comparison with currently applicable domestic legal regime in this matter and indicates the differences. The Author concludes that ratification of above-mentioned Convention is a step forward for the Republic of Serbia. With a creation of Rheine-Danube navigation channel condition is also established for better integration of countries which are interconnected with the biggest European rivers. Adopting the Strasbourg Convention 2012 is prerequisite for equal treatment of ship-owners in different countries and, by that way, for encouragement of dealing in inland navigation industry as the most ecological branch of transport. Finally, author indicates the awareness of limit application of global limitation of liability, because this institute is useful only for large damages.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectovlašćena lica na ograničenjesr
dc.subjectopšti i posebni iznosi ograničenjasr
dc.subjectopšte ograničenje odgovornostisr
dc.subjectfond ograničene odgovornostisr
dc.subjectStrasbourg Convention 2012en
dc.subjectlimits of liabilityen
dc.subjectlimitation funden
dc.subjectglobal limitation of liabilityen
dc.titleOpšte ograničenje odgovornosti u unutrašnjoj plovidbisr
dc.titleGlobal limitation of liability in inland navigationen
dc.citation.other52(7-9): 354-374

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