Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Application of rules on state responsibility for environmental harm

dc.contributor.advisorKreća, Milenko
dc.contributor.otherEtinski, Rodoljub
dc.contributor.otherRakić, Branko
dc.creatorČučković, Bojana
dc.description.abstractPredmet doktorske disertacije čine pravila o odgovornosti države kao klasična tema međunarodnog prava. Tema se posmatra kroz prizmu međunarodnog prava zaštite životne okoline polazeći od pretpostavke da u novim oblastima međunarodnog prava pravila o odgovornosti države ne gube na svojoj aktuelnosti, već, naprotiv, polažu test izdržljivosti i doraslosti zahtevima sve složenijih odnosa u međunarodnoj zajednici i sve intenzivnijem angažovanju kako međunarodnih, tako i unutrašnjih sudova u ustanovljenju odgovornosti države za pričinjenu ekološku štetu. U međunarodnopravnom poretku načelo po kome države odgovaraju za svoje akte jedno je od najstarijih. Međutim, pravila o odgovornosti države još uvek pripadaju međunarodnom običajnom pravu i pored velikih napora da se ova materija reguliše pravilima međunarodnog ugovornog prava. Kao bazu istraživanja disertacija koristi rad Komisije za međunarodno pravo, organa kome je u sistemu Ujedinjenih nacija poveren zadatak kodifikacije međunarodnog prava, a koja se ovim pitanjem bavi više od pola veka. Predmet disertacije tiče se primenljivosti postojećih pravila o odgovornosti države na jednu užu oblast međunarodnog prava – međunarodno pravo zaštite čovekove sredine. Iako je nesporno da pravila o zaštiti životne sredine čine sastavni deo međunarodnog javnog prava, pitanje je u kojoj meri opšta pravila o odgovornosti države koja su se vremenom iskristalisala, nalaze primenu i kod odgovornosti za ekološku štetu. Disertacija nastoji da brojne specifičnosti koje sa sobom nosi međunarodno pravo zaštite životne sredine analizira sa stanovišta stepena prilagođenosti klasičnih pravila o odgovornosti države materiji ekološkog prava. Osobenosti međunarodnog ekološkog prava snažno se reflektuju na pravila o odgovornosti države za protivpravni akt. Analiziran je svaki od elemenata građanske odgovornosti države (postojanje protivpravnog akta, pripisivanje, šteta, okolnosti koje isključuju protivpravnost) kroz relevantne karakteristike normi međunarodnog prava zaštite čovekove okoline. Međutim, osim pravila o odgovornosti države za protivpravni akt predmet analize čine i pravila o odgovornosti za štetu koju uzrokuju aktivnosti koje su dozvoljene međunarodnim pravom, takozvana odgovornost za rizik. Polazi se od tvrdnje da su pravila o odgovornosti sine delicto osmišljena kao sredstvo za popunjavanje praznina koje su u slučaju ekološke štete ostavljene pravilima o odgovornosti države ex
dc.description.abstractThe subject matter of the doctoral dissertation are rules on State responsibility as a classical topic of International Law. They are observed through the prism of International Environmental Law starting from the assumption that in emerging areas of International Law rules on State responsibility do not lose their actuality. On the contrary, they take the test of their endurance and ability to respond to the demands of increasingly complex relationships in the international community and an ever deeper involvement of both international and national courts in the establishment of State responsibility for harm caused to the environment. The principle according to which States are responsible for their acts is among the oldest principles of the international legal order. However, the rules on State responsibility still belong to customary international law despite great efforts to regulate this matter by the rules of international treaty law. As the base of the research the dissertation uses the work of the International Law Commission, a subsidiary body of the UN General Assembly entrusted with the task of codifying International Law. The issue of State responsibility has been on the Commission’s agenda for more than half a century. The subject matter of the dissertation concerns the applicability of existing rules on State responsibility in a specific field of International Law – International Environmental Law. Even though it is beyond dispute that the rules on environmental protection are an integral part of Public International Law, it is questionable to what extent general rules on State responsibility, though crystallized in time, may also be applied to environmental harm. The dissertation aims to analyze numerous specifics of International Environmental Law from the perspective of the degree of the adaptation of the classical rules on State responsibility in matters of environmental harm. Features of International Environmental Law are strongly reflected in the rules on State responsibility for internationally wrongful acts. Each of the elements of State responsibility (the existence of an internationally wrongful act, attribution, harm, circumstances precluding wrongfulness) is analyzed through relevant characteristics of the norms of International Law protecting the environment. However, apart from the rules on State responsibility for internationally wrongful acts the dissertation provides for an analysis of the rules on liability for damage caused by act not prohibited by International Law, the so called liability for risk. It is asserted that the rules on liability sine delicto are designed as a means for filling the gaps left by the rules regarding responsibility ex delicto. In this respect, these rules are analyzed using the same methodology as in the analysis of the rules on international responsibility for internationally wrongful acts, although a distinction is made regarding the qualification of these rules as a ‘special regime’ of responsibility.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//
dc.titlePrimena pravila o odgovornosti države za ekološku štetusr
dc.titleApplication of rules on state responsibility for environmental harmen



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