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Shareholder's personal action

dc.creatorLepetić, Jelena
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu autor se bavi pravom akcionara na individualnu tužbu. Nakon uvodnog dela o pojmu individualne tužbe u našem i uporednim pravima, autor analizira odgovornost lica sa posebnim dužnostima za prouzrokovanu štetu akcionarima. Osvrće se na uslove odgovornosti i pitanje protivpravnosti u kompanijskom pravu. Posebna pažnja posvećena je (ne)opravdanosti prava akcionara na naknadu štete zbog pada vrednosti akcija ili izostanku rasta te vrednosti (refleksna šteta). Autor zaključuje da je potrebno izmeniti Zakon o privrednim društvima i isključiti pravo na naknadu refleksne štete akcionarima ukoliko je društvo (ili akcionari derivativno) u mogućnosti da podnese tužbu zbog povrede posebnih dužnosti. Na kraju, autor se bavi pitanjem odgovornosti društva za štetu koju su članovi njegovih organa prouzrokovali akcionarima.sr
dc.description.abstractThe focus of this paper is on the right of shareholder to file an individual suit. At the outset, the notion of shareholder's personal claim is examined from the perspective of both the Serbian and comparative law, followed by the author's analysis of the issues of liability of persons with company law duties for damages inflicted upon the shareholders' assets in breach of their duties. The particular emphasis of the paper is on the conditions related to the liability regime and the wrongfulness in Serbian Company Law, as well as the issue of (in)adequacy of shareholder's right to damages because of decrease or no increase in the share value (reflective loss). Following this discussion, the paper delineates the potential amendments in the Serbian Companies Act pertaining to exclusion of shareholder's right to damages for reflective loss in situations where the company (or shareholders derivatively) has a standing to sue the wrongdoer for the breach of company law duties. Finally, the author touches upon the company liability issues for damages inflicted to the shareholders by members of its organs, concluding on the topic of the actual extent of protection given under the Serbian Company Law and inadequacies of the accepted solutions that the existing regime provides.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationProjekat Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu: Razvoj pravnog sistema Srbije i harmonizacija s pravom Evropske unije - pravni, ekonomski, politički i sociološki aspekti
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectrefleksna štetasr
dc.subjectodgovornost privrednog društvasr
dc.subjectodgovornost lica sa posebnim dužnostimasr
dc.subjectindividualna tužbasr
dc.subjectreflective lossen
dc.subjectpersonal actionen
dc.subjectliability of persons with company law dutiesen
dc.subjectliability of companyen
dc.titlePravo akcionara na individualnu tužbusr
dc.titleShareholder's personal actionen
dc.citation.other62(1): 187-204



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