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Legal status and organization of monastic community of Mount Athos after the First Balkan War

dc.creatorĐukić, Dalibor
dc.description.abstractU ranu zoru 2. novembra 1912. godine vojni brodovi grčke ratne mornarice pojavili su se u vodama atonskog poluostrva. Posada brodova bila je svesna da ima sveti zadatak: oslobođenje od petovekovne turske vlasti dragulja pravoslavlja - Svete Gore. Svetogorski monasi nastanjeni u priobalnim manastirima ubrzo su na pučini primetili dugo očekivani prizor: brodovi jednog hrišćanskog kraljevstva sa krstom na zastavi dolaze da im podare vekovima sanjanu slobodu. Nastali su trenuci opšte euforije i radosti. Sa manstirskih zvonika začula se zvonjava. Pucnji topova i pušaka odjekivali su širom poluostrva. Kao odgovor na ovakvu dobrodošlicu, oklopna krstarica 'Averof', koja je zbog uloge u oslobodilačkim ratovima stekla mitsku slavu, ispaljuje 21 počasni hitac. Na simboličan način sklopljen je sporazum između vojnika i monaha. Jedinica grčke vojske iskrcala se u luci Dafni i uputila se ka Kareji, administrativnom centru poluostrva, gde je zarobila nekolicinu turskih vojnika i turske civilne vlasti. Iako je u tom trenutku izgledalo da se ovim činom konačno rešava budući status Svete Gore, ispostavilo se da je on bio okidač koji će aktivirati ranije sukobe i nesuglasice kako među monasima, tako i među zainteresovanim državama.sr
dc.description.abstractThe end of the First Balkan War and the Greek occupation of the Holy Mountain opened a new chapter in its history. In the period between the two Balkan wars, the Conference of the Ambassadors in London discussed the future international legal position of the Holy Mountain and on its internal organization. The Athonite Community contributed to the conference by sending resolutions in which they express their opinion relating to the status of their community. The division between the monks led to the appearance of two different approaches to the problem. The first group of monks supported the existing legal order and insisted on the recognition of Greek sovereignty over the Holy Mountain. The second group of monks demanded reforms of existing organization and establishing of international authorities over the peninsula. During the period of the two Balkan wars (1912-13) the international position of Mount Athos was not regulated. The most important but also the most disturbing consequence of the events that are the subject of this study, is the existence of deep divisions among the monks of the Holy Mountain.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
dc.subjectSveta Gorasr
dc.subjectOrganizacija monaštvasr
dc.subjectLondonska konferencijasr
dc.subjectOrganization of Monasticismen
dc.subjectMount Athosen
dc.subjectLondon Conference of 1912-13en
dc.titlePravni položaj i organizacija monaštva na Svetoj Gori nakon Prvog balkanskog ratasr
dc.titleLegal status and organization of monastic community of Mount Athos after the First Balkan Waren
dc.citation.other49(1): 253-271



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