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Agreement on internship work vs agreement on professional training: The crisis of internships in modern society

dc.creatorBojić, Filip
dc.description.abstractPredmet ovog rada je analiza instituta pripravništva u današnjim uslovima sa posebnim osvrtom na ugovor o pripravničkom radu. Autor pokušava da problematizije osnovne segmente ovog instituta i da ukaže na lošu praksu osposobljavanja lica za samostalan rad na osnovu ugovora o stručnom osposobljavanju. Ukazuje se na određene nedostatke u aktuelnim propisima i nudi se novi normativni okvir kojim bi se poboljšao položaj pripravnika u savremenom društvu. U ovkiru rada vrši se sveobuhvatna analiza propisa kojima se uređuju radni odnosi pripravnika, prvenstveno se analiziraju radni odnosi pripravnika u opštem režimu radnih odnosa, a zatim i radni odnosi pripravnika u državnim organima, pravosudnim organima i konačno, u posebnom delu rada analizira se polažaj advokatskih pripravnika. Posebna pažnja posvećena je ugovoru o stručnom osposobljavanju, vrsti ugovora kojima se ne zasniva radni odnos, a kojem poslodavci danas sve više pribegavaju. Autor se naročito bavi pitanjem zapošljavanja pripravnika i mogućnostima za zasnivanje radnog odnosa po okončanju pripravničkog staža i položenog stručnog
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this paper is to analyze the internships in today's conditions, with special reference to the agreement of internship work. The author tries to problematize the basic segments of this concept and to point out the bad practice of training people to work independently under an agreement of professional training. It points to certain deficiencies in the current regulations and provides a new regulatory framework to improve the situation of trainees in the modern society. The paper contains a comprehensive analysis of regulations governing labor relations of trainees, primarily to analyze labor relations of trainees in the general regime of labor relations and labor relations of trainees in governmental agencies, judicial authorities, and finally, a separate part of the paper analyzes the position of attorney trainees. Special attention is paid to the agreement on professional training, type of contract which is not a base for employment, and which employers are increasingly resorting to. The author is particularly concerned with the issue of employment of trainees and opportunities for employment upon completion of internship and passed professional state exam.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectugovor o stručnom osposobljavanjusr
dc.subjectugovor o radusr
dc.subjectpripravnički stažsr
dc.subjectemployment contracten
dc.subjectan agreement on professional trainingen
dc.titleUgovor o pripravničkom radu vs ugovor o stručnom osposobljavanju - kriza instituta pripravništva u savremenom društvusr
dc.titleAgreement on internship work vs agreement on professional training: The crisis of internships in modern societyen
dc.citation.other53(7-9): 383-399

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