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Carrier's statutory lien and new Civil Code of the Republic of Serbia

dc.creatorJanković, Svetislav
dc.description.abstractNa početku rada, izlažu se pojam i opšti i posebni pravni režim prevoziočevog založnog prava po osnovu neplaćene prevoznine. Nakon toga, razmatra se pravna priroda ovog prava u smislu da li je ono po svojsvtima bliže klasičnom zakonskom založnom pravu ili, pak, pravu zadržavanja. Autor u radu predlaže drugačiji pravni režim prevoziočevog založnog prava u odnosu na postojeći. Naime, predlaže se da u Građanskom zakoniku bude regulisan samo ugovor koji zaključuje privatni, a ne i javni prevozilac. S obzirom da privatni prevozilac nije dužan (poput javnog) da zaključuje ugovor o prevozu sa svakim trećim licem, on je u mogućnosti da proceni solventnost i dobronamernost naručioca prevoza. Suprotno, zbog učestalosti, brzine i načina zaključenja ugovora (po pristupu), to nije u stanju javni prevozilac, pa mu se zbog toga i daje zakonsko založno pravo kako bi ga zaštitilo u slučaju kada mu nije plaćena prevoznina.sr
dc.description.abstractIn this article, the author makes difference between common and contract carrier. Common carrier is the subject in law which has obligation to conclude the contract (of carriage) with, practically, everybody, provided that he has material capacity, ability to do carriage in particularly moment of conclusion of contract. Having this difference in mind, the author proposed new legal regime regarding carrier's lien in New Civil Code of Serbia. It is suggested that common carrier has a lien, but contrary to him, that contract carrier shouldn't have. Justification for this proposition is based on (legal) fact that common carrier doesn't have a freedom to choose his (opposite contractor) and because of that, he has to be protected with statutory lien. In the second part of article, the author analyzes the legal nature of carrier's lien. On the one hand, it is the right of retention, but on the other, it is a classical statutory lien. In accord with non-possessory nature of statutory lien, the author concludes that carrier's lien in current Serbian legal regime is, in fact, right of retention, especially because in Serbian legal system this right is supplied with right to sale (reserved thing). The author is of opinion that carrier's statutory lien should (stay) be non possessory, despite of uncertainty which carrier (or other merchant) has statutory lien regarding in particularly thing. This uncertainty would be removed with optional registration at commercial registry.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectzaložno pravosr
dc.subjectPrednacrt Građanskog zakonikasr
dc.subjectpravo zadržavanjasr
dc.subjectright of retentionen
dc.subjectDraft of Serbian Civil Codeen
dc.titlePrevoziočevo zakonsko založno pravo i novi Građanski zakonik Republike Srbijesr
dc.titleCarrier's statutory lien and new Civil Code of the Republic of Serbiaen
dc.citation.other53(4-6): 503-518



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