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Intermediary travel contract

dc.creatorRadović, Vuk
dc.description.abstractPosrednički ugovor o putovanju je jedan od tri turistička ugovora uređena Zakonom o obligacionim odnosima. Premda ovaj ugovor ne spada u pravno komplikovane ugovore, dva osnovna razloga su opredelila autora za njegovo detaljnije proučavanje: 1) ovo je ugovor koji ima veliki praktičan značaj, jer ih putnici često zaključuju sa turističkim agencijama; i 2) trenutno je u toku pisanje Građanskog zakonika Republike Srbije, te je ovo prilika da se važeća rešenja još jednom preispitaju. Pravna analiza je pokazala značajne nedostatke u pozitivnopravnoj regulativi ovog ugovora, te je u ovom radu autor predložio kako bi ove odredbe trebalo de lege ferenda formulisati. Konačno, poseban značaj u radu se pridaje situaciji kada putnik zaključuje posrednički ugovor sa turističkom agencijom koja je u isto vreme i trgovinski zastupnik individualnog pružaoca turističkih usluga.sr
dc.description.abstractIntermediary travel contract is one out of three travel contracts regulated by the Law on obligations. Although this is not a legally sophisticated contract, two main reasons have motivated the author to explore it in more detail: 1) this contract has a great practical significance, since the travellers often conclude them with travel agencies; and 2) writing the new Civil Code of the Republic of Serbia is currently in progress, so this is an opportunity to reexamine the content of its provisions. The legal analysis has shown significant mistakes in de lege lata regulation of this contract. Therefore, in this article the author has suggested the way these provisions should de lege ferenda be formulated. Finally, special attention has been drawn to a situation when a traveller is concluding an intermediary travel contract with a travel agency that is at the same time an agent of a travel organizer or an individual provider of separate tourist services.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectZakon o obligacionim odnosimasr
dc.subjectugovor o nalogusr
dc.subjectturistička agencija - posredniksr
dc.subjectPrednacrt Građanskog zakonikasr
dc.subjectposrednički ugovor o putovanjusr
dc.subjectBriselska konvencijasr
dc.subjectLaw on Obligationsen
dc.subjectintermediary travel contracten
dc.subjectintermediary travel agencyen
dc.subjectDraft of the Serbian Civil Codeen
dc.subjectagency contracten
dc.titlePosrednički ugovor o putovanjusr
dc.titleIntermediary travel contracten
dc.citation.other53(4-6): 362-392



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