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A few thoughts about the limitations of freedom of regulating contents of contract in our modern law

dc.creatorĐurđević, Marko
dc.creatorPavić, Dragan
dc.description.abstractDo donošenja Zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o obligacionim odnosima od 1993. godine sloboda ugovaranja sadržine ugovora iz člana 10 bila je ograničena prinudnim propisima, ustavom utvrđenim načelima društvenog uređenja i moralom socijalističkog samoupravnog društva. Posle njegovog stupanja na pravnu snagu sloboda ugovaranja je ograničena prinudnim propisima, javnim poretkom i dobrim običajima. Prepravka člana 10 ZOO otvorila je pitanja utvrđivanja sadržine i kontura ovih pojmova. Prinudni propisi označavaju opšte imperativne norme sadržane u zakonima i propisima donetim na osnovu zakona. Imperativnost može proizlaziti iz formulacije ili smisla norme. Dobri običaji ne označavaju faktički običaj, ponašanje koje praktikuje većina u društvu, niti apstraktno shvaćeni moral. Prema shvatanju koje se može nazreti iz sudskih odluka, dobri običaji su norma o moralnosti, o običaju savesnih ljudi. Javni poredak je neodređeni pravni pojam. Jezgro pojma sačinjavaju opšta pravna načela koja su izražena u ustavnim normama, ali u njegov sastav ulaze i opšti principi obligacionog prava, poput načela za- štite slabije strane u ugovoru, koje se može izvesti iz sadržine i cilja zakonskih
dc.description.abstractIn Obligations Relations Act the freedom of regulating contents of contract was limited by constitutionally determined principles of social system, mandatory rules and the moral of socialist self-managed society. After the changes in 1993 freedom of contracts has been limited by mandatory rules, public policy (l'ordre public) and good morals (boni mores). More than two decades of using these legal limitations in our law, a question of frame and content of these terms is still actual. Mandatory rules are general imperative norms contained in laws and regulations made according to law. The imperative quality of norms can be explicit or potential when it originates from the concept of the norm. In the second case it is a judge that determines the cogent character of the norm. The notion good morals is similar to potential mandatory norms in terms of it depending on the judge to determine whether a norm is good morals. This notion neither implies factual usages, i.e. behaviour of the majority of citizens, nor moral in abstract sense. The conclusion that can be drawn from court decisions, good morals is norm related to morality, the norm of how conscientious people act. Public policy is not a clearly defined legal term. Its content is almost identical with the content of the term of constitutionally determined principles of social system from the original version of the Obligations Relations Act made in 1978. The core of the concept is made of fundamental law principles expressed in constitution norms, but it includes also general principles of contract law, that can be found in the content and aim of a larger number of legal norms. As an example we can mention the principle of the protection of the weak party to the contract.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectsloboda ugovaranjasr
dc.subjectprinudni propisisr
dc.subjectjavni poredaksr
dc.subjectdobri običajisr
dc.subjectpublic policy (l'ordre public)en
dc.subjectmandatory rulesen
dc.subjectgood morals (boni mores)en
dc.subjectfreedom of contractsen
dc.titleNekoliko misli o ograničenjima slobode uređivanja sadržine ugovora u našem savremenom pravusr
dc.titleA few thoughts about the limitations of freedom of regulating contents of contract in our modern lawen
dc.citation.other54(7-9): 45-61

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