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On conditioned and directed freedom of contrats between business entity

dc.creatorĐurđević, Marko
dc.creatorPavić, Dragan
dc.description.abstractPojam uslovljena sloboda ugovaranja pojavio se u našoj pravnoj teoriji pre donošenja Zakona o obligacionim odnosima, a pojam usmerena sloboda ugovaranja posle stupanja Zakona na pravnu snagu. Oba su korišćena da označe transformacije slobode ugovaranja u pravu koje je bilo zasnovano na ideologiji socijalizma, društvenoj svojini i dirigovanoj, potom, dogovornoj ekonomiji. Uslovljena sloboda ugovaranja proizašla je iz prava korišćenja koje su preduzeća imala na sredstvima u društvenoj svojini i konstrukcije o dve komponente društvene svojine, javnopravnoj i privatnopravnoj. Prva je ograničavala drugu posredstvom normi iz pojedinačnog administrativnog akta i administrativnog propisa. Kao izrazi državne volje oni potčinjavaju ugovor: pojedinačni administrativni akt je uslov za nastanak ugovora, a administrativni propis omogućava, uslovljava, njegovo važenje. Usmerena sloboda ugovaranja je sloboda ugovaranja usmeravana ekonomskim poretkom utvrđenim ustavnopravnim okvirom, sistemskim zakonima i delimično normama Osnovnih načela Zakona o obligacionim odnosima koje su važile za društveno pravna preduzeća. Za slobodu ugovaranja privrednih subjekata i danas se može reći da je usmerena pravnim principima i normama privrednopravnog (ekonomskopravnog) javnog poretka kojima se sprovodi državna intervencija u privredene
dc.description.abstractThe term conditioned freedom of contracts appeared in our legal theory before the adoption of the Obligations Relations Act, whereas the term directed freedom of contracts occurred after the Act's entry into force. Both terms were used to signify transformation of freedom of con tracts within the legal system based on ideology of socialism, social ownership of the means of production and government ruled economy and, afterwards, 'coordinated economy'. Conditioned freedom of contracts originated from the right to use the means of production in social ownership. This right, which belonged to social (state-owned) companies, consisted of two components. The first, public-law component conditioned the second, private law component, by means of norms in individual administrative acts and administrative regulations. As these norms were an expression of state power, they make the contract subordinate: individual administrative act is a condition for the conclusion of contract, and administrative regulations for its validity. Directed freedom of contracts is freedom of making contracts directed by economic order established by the Constitution, systemic laws, and partially by the norms of the basic principles of the Obligations Relations Act which are related to social companies. As regards freedom of contracts it can be said that even today it is directed by legal principles and norms of economic-legal public policy through which the state interferes in business enterprises.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectsloboda ugovaranjasr
dc.subjectprinudni propisisr
dc.subjectjavni poredaksr
dc.subjectpublic policy (l'ordre public)en
dc.subjectmandatory rulesen
dc.subjectfreedom of contractsen
dc.titleO uslovljenoj i usmerenoj slobodi ugovaranja privrednih subjekatasr
dc.titleOn conditioned and directed freedom of contrats between business entityen
dc.citation.other64(1): 84-104

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