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Service of providing internet access via wireless local area network and liability for copyright and related rights infringement

dc.creatorVujičić, Novak
dc.description.abstractRad je posvećen analizi pitanja odgovornosti pružalaca usluge omogućavanja pristupa Internetu putem bežične lokalne mreže za povrede autorskog i srodnih prava koje su učinjene korišćenjem predmetne usluge. Najpre se razmatra da li i pod kojim uslovima usluga operatora bežičnih lokalnih mreža može predstavljati povredu autorskog i srodnih prava. Potom se ispituje mogućnost operatora bežičnih lokalnih mreža da se pozovu na ograničenje odgovornosti pružalaca usluga običnog prenosa informacija, kao i domašaj tog ograničenja, s naročitim osvrtom na odluku Suda pravde Evropske unije u predmetu Mc Fadden. Posebno se posmatra stav Suda pravde Evropske unije prema komese operatorima bežičnih lokalnih mreža, uprkos ograničenju odgovornosti, može sudskim putem narediti preduzimanje mere zaštite od povreda autorskog i srodnih prava koja se sastoji od uvođenja lozinke za pristup mreži, s tim da se takva lozinka može otkriti samo licima čiji je identitet poznat. Poruka rada je da prilikom utvrđivanja odgovornosti i nalaganja operatorima bežičnih lokalnih mreža da preduzmu mere zaštite od povreda autorskog i srodnih prava treba voditi računa o zaštićenim interesima operatora i korisnika Interneta, a ne samo o zaštiti prava intelektualne svojine, te težiti uspostavljanju pravedne ravnoteže ovih sukobljenih interesa.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper is dedicated to the analysis of the issue of liability of service providers who provide Internet access via Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) for copyright and related infringements made by using their services. First, it has been discussed whether and on what conditions service of the WLAN operators can represent the copyright and related rights infringement. Then, both the possibility of the WLAN operators to refer to the liability limitation foreseen for 'mere conduit' service providers and the scope of the limitation itself are examined, having a particular retrospection to the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the Mc Fadden case. The opinion of the CJEU that the national courts may order the WLAN operators, regardless of the limitation of liability, to implement measure for protection from copyright and related rights infringements which encompasses introducing a password for WLAN access, available only to the person who reveals her/his identity, is analysed specifically. The message of this paper is that, when assessing the liability of the WLAN operators for copyright and related infringements, or ordering the implementation of measures for protection of copyright and related rights, protected interests of Internet users and the WLAN operators should be also taken into consideration, not just the protection of intellectual property rights, thus aiming at striking a fair balance between these conflicting interests.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectsrodna pravasr
dc.subjectodgovornost za povredu autorskog i srodnih pravasr
dc.subjectbežične lokalne mrežesr
dc.subjectautorsko pravosr
dc.subjectwireless local area networken
dc.subjectrelated rightsen
dc.subjectliability for copyright and related rights infringementen
dc.titleUsluga omogućavanja pristupa internetu putem bežične lokalne mreže i odgovornost za povredu autorskog i srodnih pravasr
dc.titleService of providing internet access via wireless local area network and liability for copyright and related rights infringementen
dc.citation.other55(7-9): 331-352



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