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Consequences of unilateral termination of construction contract

dc.creatorMišković, Maša
dc.description.abstractRaskid ugovora o građenju u praksi predstavlja izuzetak, s obzirom na to da je ili teško ostvarljiv ili ekonomski neisplativ, bilo da se radi o raskidu ugovora od strane izvođača ili od strane investitora. Ipak, ako do jednostranog raskida ugovora o građenju dođe, postavlja se pitanje dejstva raskida, odnosno koje su pravne posledice raskida ugovora o građenju. Opšta pravila obligacionog prava, koja kao posledicu raskida predviđaju povraćaj datog, kod ugovora o građenju trpe određena ograničenja, pa se posledice raskida ugovora o građenju svode na naknadu štete od druge ugovorne strane. U najvećem broju slučajeva to će biti stvarna šteta, a ne izmakla korist, jer je uobičajeno da izvođači unapred isključuju svoju odgovornost za takvu vrstu štete. Autor povodom svih pitanja, koja se u radu postavljaju, analizira i određene sudske odluke, kako bi posledice raskida ugovora o građenju predstavio i u svetlu domaće sudske prakse.sr
dc.description.abstractTermination of construction contract is an exception rather than the rule, given the fact that it is either hard to examine or economically not feasible, independently of the fact whether a contract is terminated by contractor or investor. However, if the unilateral termination of construction contract occurs, a question, which arises is: what are the effects of termination, i.e. what are the legal consequences of termination of construction contract. In accordance with the general rules of contract law, the main consequence of termination is restitution of whatever a party has supplied / received under the contract. However, when it comes to construction contract, this consequence has certain limitations, and therefore, the termination of contract leads to claim for damages as a main consequence of termination. In most cases, it will be the loss, without loss of profits, due to the fact that contractors usually exclude their liability for that kind of damages. Regarding all questions, which arise in this paper, the author analyzes certain court decisions in order to present the consequences of termination of construction contract in the light of national case law.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectugovor o građenjusr
dc.subjectposledice jednostranog raskida ugovorasr
dc.subjectjednostrani raskid ugovorasr
dc.subjectunilateral termination of contracten
dc.subjectconstruction contracten
dc.subjectconsequences of unilateral termination of contracten
dc.titlePosledice jednostranog raskida ugovora o građenjusr
dc.titleConsequences of unilateral termination of construction contracten
dc.citation.other55(1-3): 107-117



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