Izmene ugovora
Changes of contract
Izmene ugovora su promene u ugovoru u toku njegovog trajanja. Autor analizira izmene u odnosu prema nepromenjivosti ugovora kao jednom vidu manifestovanja pravne obaveznosti ugovorne pravne norme. Pri tome, autor polazi od stava da ugovor može biti izmenjen, uprkos načelnoj nepromenjivosti, kao što zakon ili neki individulani pravni akt može biti izmenjen ili dopunjen donošenjem novog zakona, odnosno donošenjem novog pravnog akta nadležnog organa. U tom smislu, na prvom mestu, analizira promene ugovora na osnovu saglasnosti ugovornih strana. Autor jeuočio da saglasnost može biti postignuta u vidu sporazuma o izmeni ili dopuni ugovora ili u vidu posebnihugovornih odredaba o automatskoj adaptaciji ili ponovnom pregovaranju. On odvaja voljne izmene od prinudnih, koje nisu rezultat sporazuma, nego su prisilne konsekvence retroaktivnog dejstva zakona donesenog u toku trajanja ugovora ili odluke suda. Prema autoru prinudna izmena ugovora od strane suda moguća je samo kada je sud izričito zak...onom ovlašćen na izmenu. Zakon o obligacionim odnosima dao je to ovlašćenje sudu kada je potrebno da se ublaži obavezna snaga ugovora i umeri nesrazmerna obaveza jedne strane u sporazumu o ugovornoj kazni, kapari i zelenaškom ugovoru. Autor konstatuje da ZOO ovlašćuje sud i da izvrši izmenu ugovora radi usklađivanja sa promenjenim oklonostima koje su nastupile posle njegovog zaključenja. Međutim, autor uočava da ova izmena nema isključivo prinudni karakter jer pretpostavlja da su ugovorne strane postigle saglasnost o tome da sud odredi šta su pravične izmene ugovora.
Contract changes are modifications of the contract during its duration. The author analyses changes in relation to the principle of binding force of contract. Thereby, the author's starting point is that the contracts can be modified in spite of its basic unchangeability, in the same manner as a law or any other statutory act can be changed and amended by enacting a new law or new statutory act. In this respect, the author firstly analyses contract changes based on the contract, namely on the consent of the contact parties. In this respect, the author firstly analyses contract changes based on the contract, namely on the consent of the contact parties. The author has noticed that the consent could be achieved with the agreement on contract changes or contract additions, or with particular contract provision on automatic adaptation of contract and renegotiation. He separates voluntary from compulsory changes. The voluntary changes are the result of the agreement, whereas the compulsory ...changes are forced consequences of the retroactive effects of the specific law or court decision. According to the author, compulsory changes of the contract is possible only when the law explicitly authorizes the court to make a change. The Law on Contract and Obligations gave that authorization to the court in situations when it is necessary to alleviate the binding force of the contract and to moderate disproportionate obligation of one party in the agreement on contract penalty, earnest and usurious contract. The author states that the Law on Contract and Obligations authorizes the judge to make a changes of the contract for the purpose of its adaptation to the changed circumstances that occurred after conclusion of the contract. However, he argues that this change is not exclusively compulsory because it implies the parties' agreement that the judge will determine what the fair change of contract is.
Кључне речи:
ugovor / pravna obaveznost ugovora / izmene ugovora / izmene ugovora zbog promenjenih okolnosti / dejstva ugovora / modification of contract due to the changed circumstances / effects of contracts / contract / changes of contract / binding force of contractИзвор:
Pravo i privreda, 2018, 56, 4-6, 627-644Издавач:
- Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
Pravni fakultet / Faculty of Law University of BelgradeTY - JOUR AU - Đurđević, Marko PY - 2018 UR - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1056 AB - Izmene ugovora su promene u ugovoru u toku njegovog trajanja. Autor analizira izmene u odnosu prema nepromenjivosti ugovora kao jednom vidu manifestovanja pravne obaveznosti ugovorne pravne norme. Pri tome, autor polazi od stava da ugovor može biti izmenjen, uprkos načelnoj nepromenjivosti, kao što zakon ili neki individulani pravni akt može biti izmenjen ili dopunjen donošenjem novog zakona, odnosno donošenjem novog pravnog akta nadležnog organa. U tom smislu, na prvom mestu, analizira promene ugovora na osnovu saglasnosti ugovornih strana. Autor jeuočio da saglasnost može biti postignuta u vidu sporazuma o izmeni ili dopuni ugovora ili u vidu posebnihugovornih odredaba o automatskoj adaptaciji ili ponovnom pregovaranju. On odvaja voljne izmene od prinudnih, koje nisu rezultat sporazuma, nego su prisilne konsekvence retroaktivnog dejstva zakona donesenog u toku trajanja ugovora ili odluke suda. Prema autoru prinudna izmena ugovora od strane suda moguća je samo kada je sud izričito zakonom ovlašćen na izmenu. Zakon o obligacionim odnosima dao je to ovlašćenje sudu kada je potrebno da se ublaži obavezna snaga ugovora i umeri nesrazmerna obaveza jedne strane u sporazumu o ugovornoj kazni, kapari i zelenaškom ugovoru. Autor konstatuje da ZOO ovlašćuje sud i da izvrši izmenu ugovora radi usklađivanja sa promenjenim oklonostima koje su nastupile posle njegovog zaključenja. Međutim, autor uočava da ova izmena nema isključivo prinudni karakter jer pretpostavlja da su ugovorne strane postigle saglasnost o tome da sud odredi šta su pravične izmene ugovora. AB - Contract changes are modifications of the contract during its duration. The author analyses changes in relation to the principle of binding force of contract. Thereby, the author's starting point is that the contracts can be modified in spite of its basic unchangeability, in the same manner as a law or any other statutory act can be changed and amended by enacting a new law or new statutory act. In this respect, the author firstly analyses contract changes based on the contract, namely on the consent of the contact parties. In this respect, the author firstly analyses contract changes based on the contract, namely on the consent of the contact parties. The author has noticed that the consent could be achieved with the agreement on contract changes or contract additions, or with particular contract provision on automatic adaptation of contract and renegotiation. He separates voluntary from compulsory changes. The voluntary changes are the result of the agreement, whereas the compulsory changes are forced consequences of the retroactive effects of the specific law or court decision. According to the author, compulsory changes of the contract is possible only when the law explicitly authorizes the court to make a change. The Law on Contract and Obligations gave that authorization to the court in situations when it is necessary to alleviate the binding force of the contract and to moderate disproportionate obligation of one party in the agreement on contract penalty, earnest and usurious contract. The author states that the Law on Contract and Obligations authorizes the judge to make a changes of the contract for the purpose of its adaptation to the changed circumstances that occurred after conclusion of the contract. However, he argues that this change is not exclusively compulsory because it implies the parties' agreement that the judge will determine what the fair change of contract is. PB - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd T2 - Pravo i privreda T1 - Izmene ugovora T1 - Changes of contract EP - 644 IS - 4-6 SP - 627 VL - 56 UR - conv_2247 ER -
@article{ author = "Đurđević, Marko", year = "2018", abstract = "Izmene ugovora su promene u ugovoru u toku njegovog trajanja. Autor analizira izmene u odnosu prema nepromenjivosti ugovora kao jednom vidu manifestovanja pravne obaveznosti ugovorne pravne norme. Pri tome, autor polazi od stava da ugovor može biti izmenjen, uprkos načelnoj nepromenjivosti, kao što zakon ili neki individulani pravni akt može biti izmenjen ili dopunjen donošenjem novog zakona, odnosno donošenjem novog pravnog akta nadležnog organa. U tom smislu, na prvom mestu, analizira promene ugovora na osnovu saglasnosti ugovornih strana. Autor jeuočio da saglasnost može biti postignuta u vidu sporazuma o izmeni ili dopuni ugovora ili u vidu posebnihugovornih odredaba o automatskoj adaptaciji ili ponovnom pregovaranju. On odvaja voljne izmene od prinudnih, koje nisu rezultat sporazuma, nego su prisilne konsekvence retroaktivnog dejstva zakona donesenog u toku trajanja ugovora ili odluke suda. Prema autoru prinudna izmena ugovora od strane suda moguća je samo kada je sud izričito zakonom ovlašćen na izmenu. Zakon o obligacionim odnosima dao je to ovlašćenje sudu kada je potrebno da se ublaži obavezna snaga ugovora i umeri nesrazmerna obaveza jedne strane u sporazumu o ugovornoj kazni, kapari i zelenaškom ugovoru. Autor konstatuje da ZOO ovlašćuje sud i da izvrši izmenu ugovora radi usklađivanja sa promenjenim oklonostima koje su nastupile posle njegovog zaključenja. Međutim, autor uočava da ova izmena nema isključivo prinudni karakter jer pretpostavlja da su ugovorne strane postigle saglasnost o tome da sud odredi šta su pravične izmene ugovora., Contract changes are modifications of the contract during its duration. The author analyses changes in relation to the principle of binding force of contract. Thereby, the author's starting point is that the contracts can be modified in spite of its basic unchangeability, in the same manner as a law or any other statutory act can be changed and amended by enacting a new law or new statutory act. In this respect, the author firstly analyses contract changes based on the contract, namely on the consent of the contact parties. In this respect, the author firstly analyses contract changes based on the contract, namely on the consent of the contact parties. The author has noticed that the consent could be achieved with the agreement on contract changes or contract additions, or with particular contract provision on automatic adaptation of contract and renegotiation. He separates voluntary from compulsory changes. The voluntary changes are the result of the agreement, whereas the compulsory changes are forced consequences of the retroactive effects of the specific law or court decision. According to the author, compulsory changes of the contract is possible only when the law explicitly authorizes the court to make a change. The Law on Contract and Obligations gave that authorization to the court in situations when it is necessary to alleviate the binding force of the contract and to moderate disproportionate obligation of one party in the agreement on contract penalty, earnest and usurious contract. The author states that the Law on Contract and Obligations authorizes the judge to make a changes of the contract for the purpose of its adaptation to the changed circumstances that occurred after conclusion of the contract. However, he argues that this change is not exclusively compulsory because it implies the parties' agreement that the judge will determine what the fair change of contract is.", publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd", journal = "Pravo i privreda", title = "Izmene ugovora, Changes of contract", pages = "644-627", number = "4-6", volume = "56", url = "conv_2247" }
Đurđević, M.. (2018). Izmene ugovora. in Pravo i privreda Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 56(4-6), 627-644. conv_2247
Đurđević M. Izmene ugovora. in Pravo i privreda. 2018;56(4-6):627-644. conv_2247 .
Đurđević, Marko, "Izmene ugovora" in Pravo i privreda, 56, no. 4-6 (2018):627-644, conv_2247 .
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