Pravni režim ugovora o drumskom prevozu putnika zaključenog putem internet platforme
The legal regime of contract for the carriage of passengers concluded by Internet application
Razvoj računarskih tehnologija je omogućio brže i lakše povezivanje ljudi, pogotovo u saobraćaju. To se naročito ispoljilo kroz tzv. deobnu ekonomiju u kojoj se višak dobra (usluge) deli (uz naknadu) sa onima kojima je potrebniji.Takav ekonomski pristup je uspešno primenjen u uber-u u inostranstvu i CarGo u Srbiji, koji predstavljaju Internet aplikacije putem kojih se zaključuje ugovor o prevozu. Pri tome, sporna je pravna kvalifikacija ovakvog vida prevoza, jer, nije jasno da li se radi o javnom ili privatnom prevozu, kao i kakva je uloga Internet aplikacija u njihovom zaključenju i ispunjenju. Prema jednom mišljenju, radi se i klasičnom posredovanju, dok je prema drugom shvatanju, ipak, reč o prevozu (javnom). U prvom delu rada je prikazan uticaj tehničko-računarskog napretka na nastanak deobne ekonomije i, shodno tome, na saobraćajne odnose. U drugom delu se ukazuje na pravne probleme koji usled toga nastaju, a koje izaziva, pre svega, sličnost sa klasičnim taksi prevozom. Nakon pri...kaza pravnog režima taksi prevoza, objašnjava se način rada uber-a i CarGo-a, kao i njihova pravna priroda. Ukazuje se na nejasnoću pravnog oblika ovih internet aplikacija, s obzirom da je, posebno u Srbiji, sporno da li imaju pravni subjektivitet, te da li su privredno društvo ili udruženje. Zaključuje se da je pomenuta vrsta prevoza samo tehnički unapređeniji klasični tip vanlinijskog javnog prevoza čiju uslugu pruža subjekt koji, predstavlja kompaniju.
The development of technology, particularly computers, which enabled faster and easier connecting people, has deeply influenced to transportation, which as such has a meaning of connecting people and places. Such influence manifested through sharing economy whose rules enable that surplus of goods and services shares with those who needed it and who will use it in an optimal manner. The aforementioned economical mechanism has successfully applied to the uber as a best known ride-sharing service at international level and to the CarGo, which is, basically, similar to uber, and established and applied in Serbia and region. A Basic problem of uber and CarGo is the legal qualification of contract which is concluded by the help of its Internet application, because, firstly, it is not clear whether uber supplies carriage service or only intermediary service. And, secondly, if it supplies transport service, it is unclear whether such carriage is public (common carrier in Anglo-American meanin...g) or private. In this article, the author concludes that uber (CarGo in Serbia) is not a just intermediary providing so-called information society service, but a transport service provider. This conclusion author based on the argument that uber has the decisive and substantial influence to the carrier who directly supply transport service to the passenger. In the first part of article is analyzed the influence of technological development on transport and appearance of uber and similar services. Subsequently, the second part points to legal problems in the transport industry which evolved due to mentioned computerization and in relation to that similarity of uber and Taxi. Thereafter it is explained a working method of uber (and Cargo) and its legal nature (whether It is digital intermediation, classical carriage or rent of vehicle with driver analogously with charter party in Maritime Law). At the ending part, the author tries to find an exact legal shape for CarGo application in Serbia, because it is deeply doubted. At the beginning of the work of application, CarGo has not had any legal status, but from 2019 it shaped into a classical association of citizens. Applying the old principle "falsa nomination, non nocet", the author concludes that CarGo is no an association, but company with legal responsibility characteristic to private limited company.
Кључне речи:
Uber / taksi prevoz / posredovanje / javni prevoz / ekonomija deljenja / CarGo / Uber / taxi carriage / sharing economy / intermediation / common carriage / CarGoИзвор:
Pravo i privreda, 2019, 57, 7-9, 387-406Издавач:
- Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
Pravni fakultet / Faculty of Law University of BelgradeTY - JOUR AU - Janković, Svetislav PY - 2019 UR - AB - Razvoj računarskih tehnologija je omogućio brže i lakše povezivanje ljudi, pogotovo u saobraćaju. To se naročito ispoljilo kroz tzv. deobnu ekonomiju u kojoj se višak dobra (usluge) deli (uz naknadu) sa onima kojima je potrebniji.Takav ekonomski pristup je uspešno primenjen u uber-u u inostranstvu i CarGo u Srbiji, koji predstavljaju Internet aplikacije putem kojih se zaključuje ugovor o prevozu. Pri tome, sporna je pravna kvalifikacija ovakvog vida prevoza, jer, nije jasno da li se radi o javnom ili privatnom prevozu, kao i kakva je uloga Internet aplikacija u njihovom zaključenju i ispunjenju. Prema jednom mišljenju, radi se i klasičnom posredovanju, dok je prema drugom shvatanju, ipak, reč o prevozu (javnom). U prvom delu rada je prikazan uticaj tehničko-računarskog napretka na nastanak deobne ekonomije i, shodno tome, na saobraćajne odnose. U drugom delu se ukazuje na pravne probleme koji usled toga nastaju, a koje izaziva, pre svega, sličnost sa klasičnim taksi prevozom. Nakon prikaza pravnog režima taksi prevoza, objašnjava se način rada uber-a i CarGo-a, kao i njihova pravna priroda. Ukazuje se na nejasnoću pravnog oblika ovih internet aplikacija, s obzirom da je, posebno u Srbiji, sporno da li imaju pravni subjektivitet, te da li su privredno društvo ili udruženje. Zaključuje se da je pomenuta vrsta prevoza samo tehnički unapređeniji klasični tip vanlinijskog javnog prevoza čiju uslugu pruža subjekt koji, predstavlja kompaniju. AB - The development of technology, particularly computers, which enabled faster and easier connecting people, has deeply influenced to transportation, which as such has a meaning of connecting people and places. Such influence manifested through sharing economy whose rules enable that surplus of goods and services shares with those who needed it and who will use it in an optimal manner. The aforementioned economical mechanism has successfully applied to the uber as a best known ride-sharing service at international level and to the CarGo, which is, basically, similar to uber, and established and applied in Serbia and region. A Basic problem of uber and CarGo is the legal qualification of contract which is concluded by the help of its Internet application, because, firstly, it is not clear whether uber supplies carriage service or only intermediary service. And, secondly, if it supplies transport service, it is unclear whether such carriage is public (common carrier in Anglo-American meaning) or private. In this article, the author concludes that uber (CarGo in Serbia) is not a just intermediary providing so-called information society service, but a transport service provider. This conclusion author based on the argument that uber has the decisive and substantial influence to the carrier who directly supply transport service to the passenger. In the first part of article is analyzed the influence of technological development on transport and appearance of uber and similar services. Subsequently, the second part points to legal problems in the transport industry which evolved due to mentioned computerization and in relation to that similarity of uber and Taxi. Thereafter it is explained a working method of uber (and Cargo) and its legal nature (whether It is digital intermediation, classical carriage or rent of vehicle with driver analogously with charter party in Maritime Law). At the ending part, the author tries to find an exact legal shape for CarGo application in Serbia, because it is deeply doubted. At the beginning of the work of application, CarGo has not had any legal status, but from 2019 it shaped into a classical association of citizens. Applying the old principle "falsa nomination, non nocet", the author concludes that CarGo is no an association, but company with legal responsibility characteristic to private limited company. PB - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd T2 - Pravo i privreda T1 - Pravni režim ugovora o drumskom prevozu putnika zaključenog putem internet platforme T1 - The legal regime of contract for the carriage of passengers concluded by Internet application EP - 406 IS - 7-9 SP - 387 VL - 57 UR - conv_2301 ER -
@article{ author = "Janković, Svetislav", year = "2019", abstract = "Razvoj računarskih tehnologija je omogućio brže i lakše povezivanje ljudi, pogotovo u saobraćaju. To se naročito ispoljilo kroz tzv. deobnu ekonomiju u kojoj se višak dobra (usluge) deli (uz naknadu) sa onima kojima je potrebniji.Takav ekonomski pristup je uspešno primenjen u uber-u u inostranstvu i CarGo u Srbiji, koji predstavljaju Internet aplikacije putem kojih se zaključuje ugovor o prevozu. Pri tome, sporna je pravna kvalifikacija ovakvog vida prevoza, jer, nije jasno da li se radi o javnom ili privatnom prevozu, kao i kakva je uloga Internet aplikacija u njihovom zaključenju i ispunjenju. Prema jednom mišljenju, radi se i klasičnom posredovanju, dok je prema drugom shvatanju, ipak, reč o prevozu (javnom). U prvom delu rada je prikazan uticaj tehničko-računarskog napretka na nastanak deobne ekonomije i, shodno tome, na saobraćajne odnose. U drugom delu se ukazuje na pravne probleme koji usled toga nastaju, a koje izaziva, pre svega, sličnost sa klasičnim taksi prevozom. Nakon prikaza pravnog režima taksi prevoza, objašnjava se način rada uber-a i CarGo-a, kao i njihova pravna priroda. Ukazuje se na nejasnoću pravnog oblika ovih internet aplikacija, s obzirom da je, posebno u Srbiji, sporno da li imaju pravni subjektivitet, te da li su privredno društvo ili udruženje. Zaključuje se da je pomenuta vrsta prevoza samo tehnički unapređeniji klasični tip vanlinijskog javnog prevoza čiju uslugu pruža subjekt koji, predstavlja kompaniju., The development of technology, particularly computers, which enabled faster and easier connecting people, has deeply influenced to transportation, which as such has a meaning of connecting people and places. Such influence manifested through sharing economy whose rules enable that surplus of goods and services shares with those who needed it and who will use it in an optimal manner. The aforementioned economical mechanism has successfully applied to the uber as a best known ride-sharing service at international level and to the CarGo, which is, basically, similar to uber, and established and applied in Serbia and region. A Basic problem of uber and CarGo is the legal qualification of contract which is concluded by the help of its Internet application, because, firstly, it is not clear whether uber supplies carriage service or only intermediary service. And, secondly, if it supplies transport service, it is unclear whether such carriage is public (common carrier in Anglo-American meaning) or private. In this article, the author concludes that uber (CarGo in Serbia) is not a just intermediary providing so-called information society service, but a transport service provider. This conclusion author based on the argument that uber has the decisive and substantial influence to the carrier who directly supply transport service to the passenger. In the first part of article is analyzed the influence of technological development on transport and appearance of uber and similar services. Subsequently, the second part points to legal problems in the transport industry which evolved due to mentioned computerization and in relation to that similarity of uber and Taxi. Thereafter it is explained a working method of uber (and Cargo) and its legal nature (whether It is digital intermediation, classical carriage or rent of vehicle with driver analogously with charter party in Maritime Law). At the ending part, the author tries to find an exact legal shape for CarGo application in Serbia, because it is deeply doubted. At the beginning of the work of application, CarGo has not had any legal status, but from 2019 it shaped into a classical association of citizens. Applying the old principle "falsa nomination, non nocet", the author concludes that CarGo is no an association, but company with legal responsibility characteristic to private limited company.", publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd", journal = "Pravo i privreda", title = "Pravni režim ugovora o drumskom prevozu putnika zaključenog putem internet platforme, The legal regime of contract for the carriage of passengers concluded by Internet application", pages = "406-387", number = "7-9", volume = "57", url = "conv_2301" }
Janković, S.. (2019). Pravni režim ugovora o drumskom prevozu putnika zaključenog putem internet platforme. in Pravo i privreda Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 57(7-9), 387-406. conv_2301
Janković S. Pravni režim ugovora o drumskom prevozu putnika zaključenog putem internet platforme. in Pravo i privreda. 2019;57(7-9):387-406. conv_2301 .
Janković, Svetislav, "Pravni režim ugovora o drumskom prevozu putnika zaključenog putem internet platforme" in Pravo i privreda, 57, no. 7-9 (2019):387-406, conv_2301 .