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Cultural rights in the Republic of Serbia: Current state and perspectives

dc.creatorNikolić, Aleksa
dc.description.abstractKulturna prava predstavljaju jednu od najmanje razvijenih grupa ljudskih prava. Vrlo je sporno koja se sve prava ubrajaju u kulturna prava. Međutim, i pored svoje neodređenosti, njihov značaj je danas sve veći. Smatra se da kulturna prava služe za unapređivanje diskursa u kojem istražujemo, pregovaramo i dolazimo do novog međukulturnog razumevanja. Dakle, njihova ideja se zasniva na unapređivanju društva i odnosa u društvu. Ovaj rad je posvećen međunarodnopravnoj i ustavnopravnoj analizi kulturnih prava. U uvodu, autor ističe istorijske okolnosti koje su uticale na razvoj ove vrste ljudskih prava. Potom se detaljno analizira status kulturnih prava u međunarodnom pravu, sa posebnim osvrtom na najznačajnije međunarodne akte koji se bave ovim pitanjem. Zatim se vrši normativna analiza kulturnih prava u ustavnom sistemu Republike Srbije. Osim ustavne regulative, ukazan je i značaj pojedinih zakonskih rešenja koja su detaljno razradila pojedine ustavne norme vezane za kulturna prava. Na kraju, autor ukazuje na probleme sa kojima se kulturna prava susreću u praksi.sr
dc.description.abstractCultural rights are one of the least developed groups of human rights. It is very controversial which rights are included in cultural rights. However, despite their vagueness, their importance is increasing today. It is considered that cultural rights serve to advance the discourse in which we explore, negotiate and come to a new intercultural understanding. So, their idea is based on the improvement of society itself and relations in society. This paper analyzes the international and constitutional legal aspects of the cultural rights. In the introduction, the author points out the historical circumstances that influenced the development of this type of human rights. Then it analyzes the status of cultural rights in international law, with a special focus on the most important international documents. After that a normative analysis of cultural rights in the Republic of Serbia is carried out. Apart from the constitutional regulations, the importance of certain laws that have developed cultural rights has also been pointed out. In the end, the author points to the problems that cultural rights encounter in practice.en
dc.publisherInstitut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
dc.sourceStrani pravni život
dc.subjectUstav Republike Srbijesr
dc.subjectUniverzalna deklaracija o ljudskim pravimasr
dc.subjectsocijalnim i kulturnim pravimasr
dc.subjectPovelja o osnovnim pravima EUsr
dc.subjectPakt o ekonomskimsr
dc.subjectljudska pravasr
dc.subjectkulturna pravasr
dc.subjectUniversal Declaration of Human Rightsen
dc.subjectSocial and Cultural Rightsen
dc.subjectInternational Covenant on Economicen
dc.subjecthuman rightsen
dc.subjectcultural rightsen
dc.subjectConstitution of the Republic of Serbiaen
dc.subjectCharter of Fundamental Rights of the European Unionen
dc.titleKulturna prava u Republici Srbiji - trenutno stanje i perspektivesr
dc.titleCultural rights in the Republic of Serbia: Current state and perspectivesen
dc.citation.other(3): 69-81



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