Mesto i uloga vojnih atašea u pozitivnom diplomatskom pravu
Place and role of military attaches in positive diplomatic law
Institut vojnih atašea je veoma intrigantan i bezbednosno važan za svaku državu. U radu je predstavljen razvoj vojnih atašea, kao i razlozi njihovog uvođenja u vršenje diplomatske službe i prikupljanje informacija od interesa za svaku državu. Naročita pažnja posvećena je evoluciji vojnih atašea u sistemu Republike Srbije. U nastavku su predstavljene osnovne funkcije koje obavljaju vojni atašei, kao i odnos sa diplomatskim osobljem u misiji. Analizirana je posebna pravna priroda subordinacije koja postoji u vezi s vojnim atašeima, koja je podeljena između šefa diplomatske misije (ministarstva spoljnih poslova) i ministarstva odbrane i generalštaba. U radu se naročito ističu bezbednosni aspekt angažovanja vojnih atašea i delikatnost posla koji oni obavljaju. U tom smislu prikazane su osnovne privilegije i imuniteti koje poseduju vojni atašei, a koji su analogni diplomatskim imunitetima. Na kraju rada ukazuje se i na povremene nepravilnosti u njihovom radu koje mogu da se kreću od zloupot...rebe imuniteta pa sve do špijunaže kao teškog krivičnog dela. Zaključeno je da vojni atašei čine važnu kariku u diplomatskim odnosima država i da je taj institut specifičan i veoma koristan za pozitivnu saradnju država i unapređenje prijateljskih odnosa.
The institute of military attaches is very intriguing and important for security of every country. The paper presents the development of military attachés, as well as the reasons for their introduction into the exercise of diplomatic service and the collection of information of interest to each state. Special attention was devoted to the evolution of military attachments in the system of the Republic of Serbia. Below are the basic functions performed by military attachés, as well as the relationship with the diplomatic staff in the mission. The special legal nature of the subordination of the military attachés was analyzed, which was divided between the head of the diplomatic mission - the foreign ministry, and, on the other side, the ministry of defense. The paper highlights the security aspect of engaging military attachés and the delicacy of the work they perform. In this sense, the basic privileges and immunities of military attachés, which are analogous to diplomatic immunities, shown. At the end of the paper, there are also indications of occasional irregularities in their work that can range from the abuse of immunity, to espionage as a serious criminal offense. It was concluded that military attachés constitute an important link in the diplomatic relations of the states, but that this institute is specific and very useful for the positive cooperation of states and the improvement of friendly relations.
Кључне речи:
vojni ataše / imuniteti / diplomatska misija / military attaché / immunity / diplomatic missionИзвор:
Bezbednost, Beograd, 2019, 61, 2, 12-27Издавач:
- Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
Pravni fakultet / Faculty of Law University of BelgradeTY - JOUR AU - Milisavljević, Bojan PY - 2019 UR - AB - Institut vojnih atašea je veoma intrigantan i bezbednosno važan za svaku državu. U radu je predstavljen razvoj vojnih atašea, kao i razlozi njihovog uvođenja u vršenje diplomatske službe i prikupljanje informacija od interesa za svaku državu. Naročita pažnja posvećena je evoluciji vojnih atašea u sistemu Republike Srbije. U nastavku su predstavljene osnovne funkcije koje obavljaju vojni atašei, kao i odnos sa diplomatskim osobljem u misiji. Analizirana je posebna pravna priroda subordinacije koja postoji u vezi s vojnim atašeima, koja je podeljena između šefa diplomatske misije (ministarstva spoljnih poslova) i ministarstva odbrane i generalštaba. U radu se naročito ističu bezbednosni aspekt angažovanja vojnih atašea i delikatnost posla koji oni obavljaju. U tom smislu prikazane su osnovne privilegije i imuniteti koje poseduju vojni atašei, a koji su analogni diplomatskim imunitetima. Na kraju rada ukazuje se i na povremene nepravilnosti u njihovom radu koje mogu da se kreću od zloupotrebe imuniteta pa sve do špijunaže kao teškog krivičnog dela. Zaključeno je da vojni atašei čine važnu kariku u diplomatskim odnosima država i da je taj institut specifičan i veoma koristan za pozitivnu saradnju država i unapređenje prijateljskih odnosa. AB - The institute of military attaches is very intriguing and important for security of every country. The paper presents the development of military attachés, as well as the reasons for their introduction into the exercise of diplomatic service and the collection of information of interest to each state. Special attention was devoted to the evolution of military attachments in the system of the Republic of Serbia. Below are the basic functions performed by military attachés, as well as the relationship with the diplomatic staff in the mission. The special legal nature of the subordination of the military attachés was analyzed, which was divided between the head of the diplomatic mission - the foreign ministry, and, on the other side, the ministry of defense. The paper highlights the security aspect of engaging military attachés and the delicacy of the work they perform. In this sense, the basic privileges and immunities of military attachés, which are analogous to diplomatic immunities, are shown. At the end of the paper, there are also indications of occasional irregularities in their work that can range from the abuse of immunity, to espionage as a serious criminal offense. It was concluded that military attachés constitute an important link in the diplomatic relations of the states, but that this institute is specific and very useful for the positive cooperation of states and the improvement of friendly relations. PB - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd T2 - Bezbednost, Beograd T1 - Mesto i uloga vojnih atašea u pozitivnom diplomatskom pravu T1 - Place and role of military attaches in positive diplomatic law EP - 27 IS - 2 SP - 12 VL - 61 DO - 10.5937/bezbednost1902012M UR - conv_2547 ER -
@article{ author = "Milisavljević, Bojan", year = "2019", abstract = "Institut vojnih atašea je veoma intrigantan i bezbednosno važan za svaku državu. U radu je predstavljen razvoj vojnih atašea, kao i razlozi njihovog uvođenja u vršenje diplomatske službe i prikupljanje informacija od interesa za svaku državu. Naročita pažnja posvećena je evoluciji vojnih atašea u sistemu Republike Srbije. U nastavku su predstavljene osnovne funkcije koje obavljaju vojni atašei, kao i odnos sa diplomatskim osobljem u misiji. Analizirana je posebna pravna priroda subordinacije koja postoji u vezi s vojnim atašeima, koja je podeljena između šefa diplomatske misije (ministarstva spoljnih poslova) i ministarstva odbrane i generalštaba. U radu se naročito ističu bezbednosni aspekt angažovanja vojnih atašea i delikatnost posla koji oni obavljaju. U tom smislu prikazane su osnovne privilegije i imuniteti koje poseduju vojni atašei, a koji su analogni diplomatskim imunitetima. Na kraju rada ukazuje se i na povremene nepravilnosti u njihovom radu koje mogu da se kreću od zloupotrebe imuniteta pa sve do špijunaže kao teškog krivičnog dela. Zaključeno je da vojni atašei čine važnu kariku u diplomatskim odnosima država i da je taj institut specifičan i veoma koristan za pozitivnu saradnju država i unapređenje prijateljskih odnosa., The institute of military attaches is very intriguing and important for security of every country. The paper presents the development of military attachés, as well as the reasons for their introduction into the exercise of diplomatic service and the collection of information of interest to each state. Special attention was devoted to the evolution of military attachments in the system of the Republic of Serbia. Below are the basic functions performed by military attachés, as well as the relationship with the diplomatic staff in the mission. The special legal nature of the subordination of the military attachés was analyzed, which was divided between the head of the diplomatic mission - the foreign ministry, and, on the other side, the ministry of defense. The paper highlights the security aspect of engaging military attachés and the delicacy of the work they perform. In this sense, the basic privileges and immunities of military attachés, which are analogous to diplomatic immunities, are shown. At the end of the paper, there are also indications of occasional irregularities in their work that can range from the abuse of immunity, to espionage as a serious criminal offense. It was concluded that military attachés constitute an important link in the diplomatic relations of the states, but that this institute is specific and very useful for the positive cooperation of states and the improvement of friendly relations.", publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd", journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd", title = "Mesto i uloga vojnih atašea u pozitivnom diplomatskom pravu, Place and role of military attaches in positive diplomatic law", pages = "27-12", number = "2", volume = "61", doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1902012M", url = "conv_2547" }
Milisavljević, B.. (2019). Mesto i uloga vojnih atašea u pozitivnom diplomatskom pravu. in Bezbednost, Beograd Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 61(2), 12-27. conv_2547
Milisavljević B. Mesto i uloga vojnih atašea u pozitivnom diplomatskom pravu. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2019;61(2):12-27. doi:10.5937/bezbednost1902012M conv_2547 .
Milisavljević, Bojan, "Mesto i uloga vojnih atašea u pozitivnom diplomatskom pravu" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 61, no. 2 (2019):12-27, ., conv_2547 .