Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Cultural rights in the case-law of the European court of human rights

dc.creatorNikolić, Aleksa
dc.description.abstractAutor u radu nastoji da prikaže razvoj kulturnih prava u praksi Evropskog suda za ljudska prava (u daljem tekstu kao: ESLJP). Nakon uvodnih razmatranja u kojima se ističe slaba razvijenost, ali i sve veći značaj ove grupe ljudskih prava, u nastavku se vrši analiza normativnog okvira kulturnih prava u pravnom sistemu Saveta Evrope. Nakon toga, autor istražuje praksu ESLJP u oblasti kulturnih prava, posebno imajući u vidu najznačajnije presude koje je Sud doneo vezane za pravo na obrazovanje, pravo na učestvovanje u kulturnom životu i slobodu umetničkog stvaralaštva. Potom se u nastavku rada bavi analizom pravne prirode presuda ESLJP u oblasti kulturnih prava. Na kraju, autor sumira značaj presuda Suda, kao i njegovu ulogu u daljem unapređenju kulturnih prava.SR
dc.description.abstractIn this paper,the author tries to show the development of cultural rights in the practice of the European Court of Human Rights. The introduction first emphasizes poor development but also the increasing importance of this group of human rights. The paper then analyzes the normative framework of cultural rights in the Council of Europe's legal system. Thereafter, the author examines the ECHR practice in the field of cultural rights, especially in light of the most significant judgments the Court has made regarding the right to education,the right of access to culture, and the right to artistic expression. The paper then analyzes the legal nature of the ECHR judgments in the field of cultural rights. At the end of this paper, the author summarizes the importance of the Court's judgments, as well as its role in furthering cultural rights.EN
dc.publisherInstitut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd
dc.sourceEvropsko zakonodavstvo
dc.subjectsloboda umetničkog izražavanjaSR
dc.subjectpravo na učešće u kulturnom životuSR
dc.subjectpravo na obrazovanjeSR
dc.subjectkulturna pravaSR
dc.subjectEvropski sud za ljudska pravaSR
dc.subjectright to educationEN
dc.subjectright to artistic expressionEN
dc.subjectright to access to cultureEN
dc.subjectEuropean Court of Human RightsEN
dc.subjectcultural rightsEN
dc.titleKulturna prava u praksi Evropskog Suda za ljudska pravaSR
dc.titleCultural rights in the case-law of the European court of human rightsEN
dc.citation.other19(71): 38-51



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