Dobrovoljno ograničenje slobode transfera sredstava u poslovanju privrednih subjekata u uslovima pandemije
Voluntary abstention of business entities from enjoying free transfer of funds during pandemic
Pandemija korona virusa nametnula je velike izazove u svim sferama života, pa tako i u pravu. Pravne norme su morale da se prilagode tzv. "novoj normalnosti" i reše mnoga sporna pitanja koja je pandemija nametnula. U ovom radu autori razmatraju jedan specifičan vid uticaja pandemije na privredno pravo - dobrovoljno ograničenje slobode transfera sredstava, do koga je, u Republici Srbiji, došlo stupanjem na snagu nekoliko uredaba i zakona usvojenih u sklopu pokušaja umanjivanja ili otklanjanja štetnih posledica pandemije na poslovanje privrednih subjekata. Institut dobrovoljnog ograničenja slobode transfera sredstava ispitan je sa stanovišta kompanijskog i prava stranih ulaganja. Nakon analize zabrane isplate dobiti, autori zaključuju da je u uslovima pandemije donošenje nestandardnih mera nužno; da se ove mere moraju donositi brzinom koju diktira pandemija, ali da prilikom njihovog formulisanja ipak treba voditi računa da dugoročna šteta ne nadvlada kratkoročnu dobit.
Corona virus pandemic posed great challenges in all spheres of life. Quite naturally, law had to face those challenges, adapt to the "new normal" and bring viable solutions to many problems created by the pandemic. In this paper the authors focus on one specific manifestation of the influence of pandemic on business law - voluntary abstention of business entities from enjoying free transfer of funds. In the Republic of Serbia, this abstention came to effect with entry into force of several laws and bylaws enacted with the aim of neutralizing the negative consequences of the pandemic on economy and business. The voluntary abstention is analysed from the standpoint of company law and the rules on protection of foreign direct investment. After evaluating the prohibition on profit distribution to shareholders, the authors conclude that the enactment of atypical, non-standard measures is necessary during the pandemic and that these measures need to be adopted promptly enough to timely the problems that they are supposed to solve, but during their enactment one must bear in mind that the short-term benefits should not be off set by long-term damage.
Кључне речи:
Zaštita stranih direktnih ulaganja / Sloboda transfera sredstava / Raspodela dobiti / Dividenda / COVID-19 / Profit Distribution / Free Transfer of Funds / FDI Protection / Dividends / COVID-19Извор:
Pravo i privreda, 2021, 59, 4, 489-522Издавач:
- Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
Финансирање / пројекти:
- Projekat Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu: Epidemija. Pravo. Društvo